Reaching You

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Title: Reaching You (Kimi ni Todoke)

Owner: Karuho Shiina

Genre: Romance, comedy, drama

Rating: 6.5/10


Sawako Kuronuma has always been avoided and taunted by her classmates due to the resemblance that her appearance and her name has to Sadako of The Ring.

It is said that if you look into Sawako's eyes for more than three seconds, you will have bad luck befall you; and it is also said that she can summon ghosts. Despite what everyone thinks, Sawako is one of the most kind people in all of Japan and only strives "to do one good thing once a day."

Shota Kazehaya on the other hand is extremely popular and outgoing, loved by all his classmates, and a role model for Sawako. The more time she spends with him, the more her attitude begins to change.

She slowly begins to open up to the outside world with Shota at her side, but it turns out that he may like her more than he lets on.


In all honesty, this was one of the slowest romances I've ever seen--and that means a lot coming from me. Really! It takes thirty episodes for Kazehaya to hug her! Oh, yeah, spoiler alert.

If some guy was that slow with the romance, would you even get a girl? I think she'd grow tired and walk away... Unless they're Sawako, of course. I'm coming to a blank (surprise, surprise) writing about this because there really was not anything that special. It was average.

Speaking of that, I'm going to start going through all these shitloads of chapters and editing the ratings I've given every anime. Seriously, I'm being too kind (it's a Canadian thing) and I think it's misleading. One will be complete shit (like Boku no Pico; if you don't know what this is, I just dare you to search it on Google Images, and if you do then please say you took the dare and tell me your reaction), five will be average, and ten will be jaw-dropping, mind-blowing, masterpieces. On a completely different note I'm sorry I also haven't updated in awhile, I got the cold.

Seriously, please take this dare and Google Image Boku no Pico if you don't know what it is. And if someone comments, "What is Boku no Pico I don't know what it is and I'm scared to Google it," DO NOT tell them. Let them figure it out...

It was a fairly funny anime, but it was also very laidback and probably would bore many people who don't like romance. I'm not a huge romance person, but it sort of hooked me in. That and I always have to finish things I start unless they're really horrible.

The drama was outstanding, though! Seriously, the first mini-arc is all about rumors and how Sawako "started" them. The girls were so bitchy it wasn't even funny. It's like, if Sawako so much as touched Kazehaya, they were going to strap her to a table and rip off her fingernails. It was almost unbelievable how maniacal they were--almost. The author honestly made it seem like Sawako, Kazehaya, Chizu, Ayane, and Ryu were the only good characters. Everyone else is the antagonist.

So, in a magical land that extends far beyond where the anime left off, the manga continues. And guess what? Kazehaya actually gets shit all done! Big surprise, right?


After Sawako and Kazehaya start dating (I still find it unbelievable), they almost never kiss. Honestly, you're in a relationship now! I wanted to grab my monitor and just scream, "Grow a pair and kiss her, Kazehaya!"

Then, when all hope begins fading away and they almost break up, Kazehaya finally swoops her in and lands one on her. ABOUT FRICKEN TIME!

All I can say, and pardon my language, is:

Congratu-FUCKING-lations, Kimi ni Todoke! I only took you seventy-one MOTHER%$#@ING chapters!

I am about to break into a huge rage like I did in the Deadman Wonderland chapter. Before I blow up, I'm just ending this.

There is no blood, a little language, and I'm pretty sure there is no sexuality. That's all.

Vote if you have seen this, and fumed like I am now at how fricken incompetent and cowardly these people are. For God's sake, if you know that you love them and the feeling is mutual, just kiss them!


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