Kill la Kill

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Title: Kill la Kill

Owner: Hiroyuki Imaishi and Kazuki Nakashima

Genre: Action, comedy, sci-fi

Rating: 8/10


In an alternate timeline is Honnouji Academy, located in Tokyo Bay, Japan. The person who rules the academy is none other than Satsuki Kiryuin, a daunting fighter and feared woman with a mysterious and formidable mother. The academy is kept in order through a strict student council--which have the power to oppress the students by using their Goku Uniforms.

These uniforms are made with a special material called Life Fibers, and rank from no star to three star based upon their strength and Life Fiber concentration.

Ryuko Matoi is a spunky transfer student with no ambition to obey any of Honnouji Academy's strict laws. She has a mission of her own that brought her there:

To find whoever has the other half of her scissor blade that has the ability to cut Life Fibers, and is the murderer of her father. However, in order to do so, Ryuko will have to face more than just the school council--she'll have to face Satsuki Kiryuin and a rising rebellion that could destroy the world if she ever wants to find out her father's true identity.


Holy crap, this show was AMAZING! I mean, yeah it had some really weird parts, but it was still so mind-blowing!

Now, before I go any further, let me quickly clarify something. Some of you are probably saying, "Why don't you watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann? It was made by the same people who made Kill la Kill."

Truth be told, I actually watched Gurren Lagann before Kill la Kill. I hate to be rash, but I hated it. It wasn't interesting at all to me. The main reason I watched it until episode thirteen is because the guy who voices Viral voices Ikkaku Madarame in Bleach, which made me scream because even though it was subbed, I still recognized Nobuyuki Hiyama's battle scream.

Okay, now that we're back on track, let me continue. So, this anime had some really fricken weird parts, but other than that it was amazing. I mean, Mako was a plot line herself, and probably has some really deep issues. She wasn't annoying, per se, but enough to make me want Ryuko to just leave her alone.

If you actually plan on watching this (WHICH YOU TOTALLY SHOULD) then let me give you a heads-up. The first episode was...radical, to put it bluntly. It was a little strange and upbeat, but I promise you that after you meet Ryuko and get to episode three or so, things will cool down. Believe me, the first episode set me off too.

If you've already seen Kill la Kill, congrats, but it also means you know my favourite charcter--Senketsu! Yes, a sailor uniform was my favourite character.

For those of you that haven't seen the show, you probably think I'm batshit crazy and asking yourself, "How in the hell can a sailor uniform be her favourite character?"

Well you know what? People can dream! I liked Senketsu.

Fine, fine, I'll clarify now. So, Senketsu is a really sexy sailor uniform. I know, I know. Anyway, he's super badass! He fricken starves for blood and kicks ass! Oh, did I mention that he...

Can talk?

You heard me right, this article of clothing can talk--and he's a boss that way. The only part of this show that made me uncomfortable is how revealing Senketsu was when Ryuko transformed or whatever happened with him. Just because I'm a mature lady... Wow, I couldn't type that with a straight face. I'm sitting at my desk grinning like a moron right now. Anyways, just because I'd like to think I'm a mature person, it still makes me uncomfortable with how revealing it was. I almost want to say that it was, quote on quote, "fanservice."

Satsuki's Junketsu was almost just as revealing, if not worse.

Going back to Senketsu's ability to talk, can you imagine wearing clothes that were your friends? How strange would that be? Imagine doing that dance we do when we pull on skinny jeans, then look in the mirror and think, "Damn I look good!"

And right then your little friend Denim comes up with, "You need to lose four inches around your waist."

My first instinct would be to reply with, "Well fuck you too, then."

But then I think, what if your cardigan helped you with calculus? How useful would that be? I guess my point is... I don't really have a point. But just imagine your clothes right now talking to you right now as you read this. What are they saying? That's freaky.

There is a lot of censored nudity through in this anime, and probably has the more than most. I really started to just tune it out after the seventh episode, but that was nothing compared to the admittedly amazing finale. Nothing but...nudity. Alright, I guess I'm overdramatizing it. But this series was all in all stunning, and it is entitled to an above-average 8.5/10.

In this particular anime, there is a TON of nudity/sexuality. It is all censored, thank God, but if it wasn't it would be rated 18+. There is a lot of "sexy" themes, but other than that it seems to be pretty good. There isn't a lot of scenes with blood, but when there is, there's tons! Caution to those who are weak-stomached. Finally, there is a fair bit of language just because Ryuko is a very bad-mouthed girl.

Vote if you didn't know that the Japanese voice actor who voices Ikkaku of Bleach and Viral of Gurren Lagann, Nobuyuki Hiyama, also voices Link in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask!

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