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So welcome to more of this trash ;D yes this is a new story and no this probably won't b a good one either.

I would like to appreciate all those people who have decided to actually read my shit and for that thank you!
Okie back to what I was meant to be doing. Btw this is kinda like a back story for Adrien and Marinette.


Some people call the princess of Parisilla a warrior, but some say she's a kind gentle person. Well in fact she's both. Marinette is polite and kind but also has a fierce side. She is smart and intelligent but also confident and determined, she's beautiful too.

(Ladies and gentlemen Marinette is a 1 in a million girl. Gentlemen if you ever find a girl like this DONT FUCKING BREAK HER HEART)

She also has a few experiences in combat.

She is the perfect princess, and she'll be the perfect ruler as well. Her friend Alya, but who is also a servant, due to her parents serving the last king and queen. They have been best friends since, always playing and gossiping.

The one thing marinette doesn't like about being princess is well, being a princess. Let me explain.

Marinette is Kind and Courageous, she loves adventure and the outdoors as well. She doesn't like being cooped up in a castle, and sadly when she's crowned queen she will be cooped up in a castle for her time being.

She still is as princess. And she won't have that freedom for all, so at night she sneaks out but is always back at the break of dawn.

And yet she is still the perfect princess.

On the other hand.. Adrien can be short tempered but also had patience as well. Most girls in his village adore and sometimes flirt with him. Most people call him Kind, but can be cold hearted as well.

Like most wolves he is skilled in hunting and killing in general, his best bud Nino is also skilled in hunting, and they usually hunt together.

But some things still burden him, the curse.

(Before we continue the Adrien back story I shall explain the curse)

When Gabriel and his Wife, had a child. Adrien, they were fellow friends of the king and Queen and they bought there newly born child. odd enough there birthdays were the same, as the baby shower continued someone interrupted there party.
The old witch. Beautiful as she may be her heart is tainted black. Out of jealousy that she wasn't invited she placed a curse on most of the people in that party. She said "...that child must find love, before the 100th Moon, or else you shall forever be horrible disgusting creatures forever".

Most people thought it was a joke so they continued the baby shower.

When they got home and stared at the beautiful full moon, something inside of them changed. There skin became fur, nails into sharp claws, they were morphed into wolves. But some also were under the curse.

The people who go transformed, ran into the Akuma forest.

They made a small village, where all creatures and werewolves were welcomed. They all shared the same pain, when people from Parisilla came, they were first kind and decided to not hurt them. Until they started hunting there kind.

They soon became cold killers. So Parisilla people never stepped foot in there, unless they were getting punished or just wanted a death wish.

(So basically if that was confusing: Adrien and Marinettes parents held a baby shower for the two. An old hag got jealous and placed a curse on most of the people in that party. Later they turned into werewolves so did the people who were now under that curse, ran away. Made Akuma forest there territory and no one steps foot in there OKIE? Back to adriennn)

Adrien's mother died, she got hunted by one of those humans. It disgusted him, people call him a cat, even if he's a werewolf. Although he did look like a cat in his human form. He still had his wolf ears that became pointy like cat ears.

Adrien never wanted love, because when he was a child he never received love. His father was cold to him and the pack. Now he was practically a love magnet, most girls liked him for his good looks, he thought it was probably just the curse.

Chloe and Lila would always come up to him, it was annoying so whenever he saw them he would run the other way or just transform into a wolf and run.

Adrien's Father was cold, it was the only word that described him, ever since his mother died He's been cold. He doesn't smile, nor does he go outside. But he was always in his house deciding on what the best thing for the pack is.

But it wouldn't be bad if he said hello or goodnight to him. But we can't always get what we want now can we?

The 100th Moon was only 3 months away..



*eats a wrap*

Lmao okay so how was that? I will be updating probably on a 1-4 day basis or longer depending on how lazy I am

I hoped you enjoyed the Prologue, one of the first Prologues I've done

If ur confused lemme break it down for you

•Beautiful brave Confident and determined whenever her mind is set on something.
•She doesn't want to be cooped up in a castle forever.
•Loves the outdoors
•Alya has been her best friend since they were born.

•Handsome, Hot (Lmao I agree to that one), Kind And caring, has a bunch of fan girls.
•Skilled in hunting and killing.
•Thinks Chloe and Lila are annoying as fuck (Who agrees?)

A- Pressured due to the fact he has to find love or everyone will forever remain as a werewolf and will become next chief
M- Also Pressured because she's heir to the fucking throne
A- Likes teaching smaller pups and children on hunting
M- Enjoys hanging out with the children and the orphans

Okay I'm done lmao

See u in the next chapter

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