Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Alexia’s POV

She’s breathing that’s the most I can say, but she’s unconscious although peeves lied about the blood there is only one cut that is almost identical to her scar just on the other cheek. Her body is sort of distorted one arm is holding onto her ankle and the other is above her head the other leg is pointing away from her body. Please don’t have any breakages. Ursula and I just sort of stand in the doorway for a few moments, that is before the boys, including Peter show up. “Holy shit.” James breathes.

“No kidding.” I mutter.

“Any idea what happened?” Sirius asks.

“Tortured for sure.” Ursula says gripping the door frame.

“Who would do such a thing to someone like her.” Peter says.

“Oh I wonder probably the same person that was attacking me!” I shout glaring at Peter.

“Let’s get her to the hospital wing.” Remus says moving towards Artemis’ body.

They all move towards her and pick her up, as they all move out I grab Ursula and Peter by their robes but just as I do I notice a trail of blood following after the boys. I still manage to pull them into the room though. “What did you do?” I ask Peter.

He looks to Ursula opens his mouth and then shuts it again. “I already know what you are so say it!” Ursula shouts.

“You two must think you’re so tough but that was just a reminder of what I’m capable I’m of so maybe you should stop pretending with Sirius and stay on high alert.” He says overly calmly.

“You don’t know anything about mine and Sirius’ relationship.” I spit.

“Actually I know everything and you’re only hurting yourself and well him.”

“I will kill you!” I hiss.

“And what good will that do?”

“It will mean I don’t have to put up with your shit.”

“I have one of these left seeing as you and Artemis took the first one and the other is in Artemis’ body, I won’t be afraid to use this one on her.” He says pointing at Ursula.

“Expelliarmus.” Ursula shouts and the knife flies into her hand she the walks up to him and hits him. “I’ve wanted to do that since I met him! But what did he mean about you and Sirius?” She says shaking her head.


Artemis’ POV

I open my eyes to see six figures standing around me. It takes a while but eventually I focus on them and of course it’s my five friends and boyfriend. The last thing I remember is Peter stabbing me in the side, never have I been in more pain! I look at Ursula and Alexia who have their arms around each other, Alexia looks like she has been crying and Ursula has wiped her face of all emotion. “Who died?” I ask with a small smirk.

“No one, but you almost did.” James says.

“I’m such a failure I can’t even die properly.” I say putting my hand to my face.

“Don’t say that no one wants to see you die!” Ursula half shouts, best way to explain that she went to shout at me but then realised she was in the hospital wing and lowered her voice.

“Shut up you!” Alexia says whacking her stomach. “Of course we want her undead, like a zombi.”

“Zombi’s aren’t real it’s inferi.” Sirius says looking at her as if she’s stupid, wow they’re still pissed with each other not even my almost death can help sort them out.

“Leave her alone.” James says. “But he’s right Lex.”

“Whatever homos” Alexia says rolling her eyes at them.

“So what did Madam Pomfrey say?” I ask.

“That you need to stay here overnight so you can’t go to class today, oh and that if you want the knife that was in your side just tell her.” Ursula says.


“My middle name isn’t Lee.” Sirius says, making all of us snicker.

“What is it then?” Ursula asks.


“That’s a name that someone in homopuff would have just like a name like Ursula.” I say.

“Bitch just because you’re in a sick bed doesn’t mean I won’t own you in an arm wrestle.”

“Come at me bro.”

“I’m not your bro!”

“Come at me sis then.”

“We aren’t sisters.”

“Not yet that is but soon enough it will be yours and Apollo’s wedding and then we will be.”

“Quiet you.”

“Guys!” Alexia shouts and we both look at her. “Everybody left because you two are apparently too annoying.”

“Rude bitches.” I mutter.


Alexia’s POV

“Hogsmede, Hogsmede today is the day for Hogsmede.” I sing rather loudly in the Gryffindor common room making all the first and second years glare at me. “You guys are just jealous that you can’t go.”

“You’re lucky you can.” Artemis says.

“I’m actually surprised Dumbledore let me, after last time.”

“Same I’m also surprised I can go after last week but now I have a wicked scar on my stomach and a souvenir knife.”

“So are you hanging out with Xeno today?”

“Why yes I am are you hanging out with Sirius?”

“Don’t know, he won’t talk to me so I guess not.”

“Well you can’t third wheel on my date.”

“Okay I won’t.”

She gives me a quick hug before leaving and I slowly start to walk down towards the village, about half way there I feel a hand link it’s self with mine and I look up to see Sirius his face cold and icey, great so he’s putting up an act to pretend everything is okay. “No one’s around you don’t have to pretend at the minute.”

“Maybe we should stop pretending then.” he mutters letting go of my hand.

“What is your problem with me?”

“You keep pretending like you’re fine but you’re obviously not and the only time you’re actually real is when we’re fighting.”

“I’m not okay. I know that but do you know what I don’t know? Why you have a problem with Artemis and even Ursula when all they do is make me smile.”

“You know what maybe this whole thing was a mistake.”

“It is a huge mistake; I can’t believe I ever thought it was a good idea.”

“Then why did you ever suggest it?” He snaps.

“Because I finally wanted to make someone other than myself happy.”

“Who? Because your idea actually kills me on the inside you knew how I felt and yet you still came up with it and you didn’t even care.”

“Are we bringing up the selfish shit again now because you’ve done nothing but say stuff about my best friends since we started this thing just because one of them came up with a joke.”

“Just listen to yourself all you do is act like it’s my fault this has fallen to shit but you contributed to this so don’t act all innocent.”

“This has to stop!” I shout.

“So are we not fake dating anymore?” (A/N: Fuck yeah bet no one would have guessed that.)

“We’re not even friends anymore.” I snap before storming off towards the village.

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