His name's God

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It begins with one Creator. It being our world. This existence we call life. We wake up every morning, some of us forgetting to pray before the day unravels, or perhaps intentionally avoiding the significant part. We all make mistakes, which is really a duh statement. 

I've been a fool, and sometimes I'm upset with Him, but even through all the chaos and neglection, He still somehow loves me. Still loves us. We've all done some pretty stupid bull.

He's beautiful, and surely some of you know this. He's real, but some of you refuse to know this. We're blind, but we feel. Feeling Him is enough to give me some sort of influence. 

Maybe all this seems like rambling to you guys, and if that's the case, please depart because He isn't a ramble. He isn't gibberish, and He isn't nothing. He's something. Something we've got to learn to love. Loving Him is love in a magnificent truth. One truth, and that's Him. He's up there. If He wasn't, then I guess my bones tingle, and my heart beats for no reason. 

He can't be explained. No one knows, but we can choose to follow even if we don't always understand. After all, He's with us even in our doubt. Even if we leave, He's forever there because He doesn't abandon.

We can be mad, but He still loves. He'll cradle us close because we're His children, and a child needs its Father. 

Please, I can't tell you so you'll understand, but you can learn to consider that life is something beyond our last breath. There is something after our comfort zone. It may seem like the unknown awaits, but really, He awaits. He's patiently waiting. 

For me.

For you.

For everyone.


Who is He really?

He's God. 'Bout time you've told Him hello. He's been waiting for you.

My Words By Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now