Ordinary People

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He awoke one morning, and slipped into his ordinary pants...

Ruffled from the floor.

His simple shirt bore stripes fading from so much wear...

With a stain from when he clumsily spilled milk across his chest.

He touched his hair once, then stepped out into the day to have an experience.

She never remembered what she dreamed, but this is normal.

She could not think of what to wear, but in the end decided the rumpled dress she walked in yesterday would do...

Sunlight called her name, leaving her without a moment to brush her messy curls.

And at that, she walked out into the day to have an experience.

She saw how this man strutted awkwardly on the street, glimpsing a blemish on his shirt as well.

His open toed shoes displayed socks a color as lovely as his eyes. 

Despite her emotionally unstable curls flopping daintily in the sunny afternoon...

He felt an infinite number of thoughts happily poking his brain about her beauty.

Everything told them they were not so ordinary for each other...

Because falling in love is an un-ordinary thing.

My Words By Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now