Nonsense inside

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Silence spoils the air when the words whining deep in my throat want to bawl about every meaning. Insides rumble chaotically. There's so much to say that my stomach is heaving all around, yet nothing falls into this deranged reality. During a moment when time is with me, lips falter. I can't even whisper...

The sigh of my breath is a muted scream, and everyone is walking away with the words I'm supposed to say.

I'm an eluded caterpillar wishing to be a butterfly.

"I talk too fast because I have too much to say, but I'm too quiet because I think no one wants to hear me." - CirieQuinn

 I know it's short, but maybe that's the way it should be.

My Words By Audrey B. HolleyWhere stories live. Discover now