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(Taeyong's pov)
"Listen here sweetie pie," I put my hands on her cheeks hard and make her look at me. "You are going to follow my orders understood?"

"Ye-es," she nodded in fear.


The next thing we do is changing how dirty her look into someone who can always be sure stand beside me.

The stylist changed how she looks and it satisfy me. (Seulgi's wearings in MAMA2017 collab stage with Taeyong).

(Seulgi's pov)

Believe it or not, this is somehow crazy. Like why am I the one who was kidnapped by him? Moreover, I never even met him.

The car was silent. Cause I'm the only passenger in the car meanwhile the green haired guy is in the other car.

"Excuse me," I blinked my eyes and asked the driver. "Why are we not in the same car? I mean- is he disgust of me?"

"I am sure Mr. Lee doesn't have that kind of feeling," the driver replied. Well at least I got someone to talk to. "But do you really want to sit next to him in the same car as him?"

"Why not?" I furrowed my eyebrows. The driver gave me a questioning look. "I mean- at least we're saving the world from pollutions and others," I bit my lower lips. "Don't you think so?" I laughed sheepishly.

The driver chuckled. "Save? I wish that kind of Mr.Lee will come back,"

"Why? Is he that far of trash?" I asked without even thinking the impact. "Ah sorry," I slapped my mouth.

"But by the way," the driver started. I looked at him to give my attention. "Why are you being captured like this?"

"You don't know?" And the driver shook his head as respond. "Me too," I land back hard. "I miss home," I pouted.


"Eo, thank you very much," I bowed at the assistant who opened the car's door for me. Damn it this wearings are so uncomfortable. It exposed too much.

The 'king';they said, was infront of me as if waiting for me to walk along with him.

"Hold my shoulder," he demanded. I mean like, why the hell should I hold his shoulder randomly? Look we just know each other for hours and you started to demand me who did you think you are- but I hold it anyway. But are we going to play a choochoo stuff or what.

So we went into a big house. It was super big like I could combine SM,YG,JYP and BigHit in this one house. Believe me, it looks like he own the whole South Korea.

"Sorry but," I cut his walk as we reached a bedroom. He signal his bodyguards so we could have a private talk and they went out before closing the bedroom's door. "Is this my room? Wait I am staying here alone right?"

He suddenly laughed hysterically. "Kang Seulgi-sshi, who said so you're staying here alone?" He made me furrowed my eyebrows again. "You're staying with me, in the same bedroom, same bed,"

"Oh," I made an 'O' with my mouth. And I suddenly shook. WHAT THE HELL?! "Uuh, I must misheard something- pardon me?"

"Staying by my side is your purpose if being here don't you think?" He lift his left eyebrows and I swore it was so HOT. He opened the door and move to the next place.

Meanwhile I look at the big bed. Naah it looks small now. Me, him a stranger, in the same house, same room, same bed?! What kind of dramatic fanfiction am I going through?! I looked around the room and found the remote curtain. I clicked on the big button and the curtain was opened wide. There, a view of South Korea was there. It looks like it almost night and the sun just set. I sighed and stare at the view.

Suddenly my left shoulder was tapped by a person and second, I was shook and grabbed the person's arm and swing it away while giving him my black belt taekwondo move. And I just realized he is one of the bodyguard calling me for dinner. "Dinner ma'am,"

"Ohh! I am sorry," I helped him get up carefully. "Did you get hurt?"

"No ma'am I didn't," he lied obviously cause I saw him fixing his spine. "Boss called you for dinner,"

"Oh sure, bye," I ran to the dining room which is so big and the table was super long like you know how should I describe it. Oh! Like Mr.Bean when he saved a lady's dog from car accident and he got offered to eat at her house and the table was super long. Okay I'm going too far away.

Anyway, this green hair guy sat and eat his meal well meanwhile I just sat infront of him with unfamiliar western looking meal. Well I guess this is expensive anyway.

I started to eat and I realized I was staring at him. And he realized I was staring at him that made him took a glance on me. I rushed looking at my meal instead to avoid embarrassment. "Your bangs are getting cooler," he started a conversation. I was puzzled. I looked at my bangs with my eyes and I was super weird I know. IT BECAME SHORT! OH MY DID IT ACCIDENTALLY GOT CUT CAUSE OF MY TAEKWONDO MOVEMENT EARLIER.

"What is your name anyway? You told me you knew me and even met me before," I tried to cover the earlier topic of embarrassment of my bangs.

"People don't call me by my name here," his eyes still on his meal. "They call me Boss Lee in the day, and I asked them not to mess up my night time,"

"You quite look young, how old are you?" I asked another question.

"If I am younger than you, don't ask me to call you Noona, instead you call me Boss Lee," He stated while eating his meal.

"Alright then, just tell me your name," I stopped eating my meal to take a serious deal with him. "And I won't ask you other things,"

"Lee Taeyong," he answered before eat another last bite of his meal. "Sounds familiar isn't it?" He wiped his mouth with napkin and stood up meaning he have finished eating.

"Taeyong? Lee Taeyong?" I was puzzled by myself. "Ehhh that's nonsense," I talked to myself in disbelief. "That quiet freak looking?"

"Kang Seulgi, February 10th 1994, Ansan Gyeonggi-do," he called. Woah I am getting goosebumps. Somebody! Help me!!!!

He jokes. (Seulyong @ Seulgi and Taeyong ff)Where stories live. Discover now