Plane rides and Nose dives.

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Damian sat in the old temple, looking up at a wall of black sashes. Each represented a dead shadow. His mothers red sash lay still in his hands, ready to be put on the wall. 

He had come alone, everyone else was at Talia's funeral with the league of Villians. Even though she was never seen by hero's, she was a hero to the people there.

"She saved my life twice when I was presidant. And She's the only person to ever get passed my security. For that, I call her a friend, a savior, and a true assassin." Lex Luthor spoke, toasting his glass to all.

"After the working of the new Joker serum, Harley had come to live with me and I didn't even notice a man planning to kill me, and all of my babies. Talia fought beside me, fought with me, and to this day I am still in debt to her, a debt that mot of us will never pay." Ivy said, raising her glass as well.

"Talia was a friend. We fought together, but I didn't kow her well till Jeremy came along. If it weren't for her I wouldn't still be ruling Bialya alone, and we all know we don't want baldy here to come help." The party laughed at Queen bee's last comment and they all looked around.

Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Ivy, Harley Quinn, Harvey Dent,  Edward Nigma, Antonio Diego, Selina Kyle, and a few of the higher members of the league of shadows were all seated at large circular table. With them was the bat family. It was quiet for a second till Selina stood up.

"I may not have known her well, but I've heard only good things about her. Talia was a Villian, an Assassin, a killer, and a crook. But she was also a mother, a leader, a wife, and a down right kick ass women! So, here's to you Talia, may all you left behind florish into a new day!" Everyone stood up, holding out their glasses, cheering with Selina. 

After everyone sat down people started to mingle and what not. Though, Selina just wlked out of the room, down the hall, to where Damian was still sitting, on his knees, in front of the Assassin's shrine. His mothers was still in his hand. Selina kneeled down next to him and put an arm around him. 

"You okay Dami?" Selina asked. Damian looked up at the shrine, then back at his mothers sash. He took the sash and pinned it up on the shrine, shrugging Selina's hand off his shoulder. Damian got up, walking to the main room. Selina sighed, following suit.

Damian walked right passed Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Cass, straight over to the villians at the benquet. He went over and sat with an older male who was dressed in League of Assassin's gear.The man was very excepting, showing almost no reaction to Damian sitting next to him, leaning on his shoulder.


The benquet started to come to an end. Bruce had been tense the whole time, watching Damian from a distance. Damian was aproched by every person there, all of them saying they were sorry for his lose, him just replying with a small sincere smile and a nod, then going back to leaning on the unnamed mans shoulder. As the different parties started to exit the island Bruce aproched Damian and the man. 

"Damian, are you ready to leave?" Bruce asked. Damian opened his eyes, looking at the man, and then hugging him.

"If anything happens, I will call you Dumi. I promise." The man said.

"Good Bye 'Akhi." Damian said, pulling away from the hug. The man got up and looked at Bruce. 

This man was tall, taller than Bruce. He also had a very built body. He glared down at Bruce. He looked over at Dick, Tim, and Cass, all three hugging Damian as Selina stood to the side. He smirked.

"Heh, you hurt him, I come down there to your Gotham, and I will break every single one of your crime lords. And when they are dead I will take Dumi and I will return him to his family. You may be his father, but you aren't the one who raised him. If he ever needs help, he'll call me first, not you. To prove it, look at your security from a year ago. I'd love to see the look on your face, but I have a people to protect. Wadaeaan brus." The man walked over to Damian, hugging him one last time before walking out of the room.

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