Present day.

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~Present day~

"So, that's what happened while I was gone. Okay. So, Dick, a few questions. First, is Damian okay?" Jason asked. Dick just smiled.

"Damian's fine. He's actually quite the uncle." Dick told him, petting Alfred the cat in his lap.

The batcave was silent with the both of them in it. Jason and Dick had been talking for hours, they didn't know the time, but they knew it had to be around 5 am. Jason and Dick both had cans in their right hand, taking small drinks every so often. 

"Okay, what about TJ? Is there any really important information I need to know?" Jason asked. Dick thought for a second.

"I can't think of anything else, but he does want to learn how to fight. After all he's been through I feel like we could owe him that at least." Dick said with a chuckle. Jason sat for a second, okay with the silence.

"Dick," Jason looked down at his hands and the pulled back his hair. "Do you think I'm a bad father for leaving?" Dick smiled and shook his head.

"Well, if you had left your son, then yes you would've been a terrible father, but remember, you didn't leave him. Jason, you were killed. I think TJ will understand once you tell him the truth." Dick put a hand on Jason's shoulder. "I know I do." 

"Thanks Dick, but, I already told him and he was fine. He seems like a pretty calm kid, so you guys saying he was like me, I think that's wrong." Jason said witha  smirk.

"Did you not just listen to me explain to you all the times your son cried in that retelling of what happened? Calm is not a word I would use to explain my Nephew." Dick explained. Jason just laughed.

"Okay, I'll believe it when I see it." Jason said. As Jason was talking Dick's pocket started to vibrate. Dick took out a small holo screen and saw a large paw on it and the noise of a barking dog. 

"Well, I guess you can deal with this now." Dick said, pasing the holo screen to Jason. 

Jason looked and saw the dog holding down a thrashing TJ. Like the flash he was off to the races. He ran all the way to TJ's door and then opened and closed the door softly as he sat down next to TJ and pulled him into a hug.

"Wake up buddy, Thomas, you are okay, wake up." Jason whispered, backing up onto the bed so TJ could stay laid out. TJ squirmed, but he finally stopped moving in Jason's arms. "That's it, just stay calm, stay asleep." Jason said soothingly, rubbing his hand through TJ's hair. TJ's breathing went down and he started to snuggle into the warmth of Jason's chest.

"I'm sorry I woke you." TJ said, his eyes staying shut.

"Don't worry buddy, I'm your dad, it's my job to protect you." Jason said, starting to lay TJ back on his side, but TJ not moving.

"Could you stay for a minute? Just till I fall asleep?" TJ asked. Jason stopped moving and TJ smiled, settling down again.  After a few miutes TJ fell asleep and Jason got up, closing the door behind him, returning to Dick in the batcave.

"Okay, he's emotional, he's my kid." Jason heeded.

"Told you!" Dick said, taking a big swig from his can.

"Dick, how many of those cans have you drank while telling me this story?" Jason asked, looking at the two beers he had dranken in the many hours.

"Like six, why?" Dick asked.

"Okay, stop drinking, you probably have work tomorrow." Jason said, taking away the unopened can in Dick's hand.

"But tomorrows saturday! Please Jason, come on, live a little, ha, get it?" Dick said. 

I thought he was just broken up when he was telling me what was happening, but no, the big oaf was drunk. Great, how am I going to-

"Jason, do you think you are going to go back to being Red Hood? Cause I had to stop being Nightwing for a little bit to take care of TJ and Mari, but you haven't been here, so I didn't know." Dick explained, ooking up at Jason. Jason frowned himself.

"I don't know Dick, I might take a brake from Red Hood for a while. I know he's been gone for a long time, but I have a few people I need to explain stuff to. Like, I gotta go find Roy, tell him what happened. And then I really wanna focus on TJ. I've been gone for thirteen years, and I know that's rough on a kid. So I might in the future, but for now, I'm just gona be Jason Todd." Dick smiled and leaned his head on Jason's shoulder.

"You're a good dad Jay-bird." 

"Same to you Dickie, same to you."

DC PARENTS BOOK 2: A second Chance Death.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora