A Good Cry in the right direction.

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It had been three months.

It was mid January. 

Tim and Damian had taken the deepest fall.

After the first month the rest of the family had stopped grieving alone and started grieving together. Tim and Damian were still huddled up in their rooms. Bruce and Dick had tried everything to get them to come out, even dragging them out, but no luck. The two stayed shut down, either emotionless or in a state of pure sobbing. 

On the same night Jason died, it was the first snow. The first snow has not stopped since. There was at least five feet every where you went.

Damian's school was closed, but it didn't matter. Even if it was open he wouldn't be going. 

Tim was a different case.

While Damian would just stay in his room, trying to remain unseen, Tim wouldn't be alone. He was always in a room with someone, and when he was alone he would start to get paranoid, only to be found hours later huddled in the fetal position by Bruce of Dick.


"So, how are they doing?" Barbra asked, Dick taking a long sip of hot tea.

"Worst and worst. Damian won't leave his room, and Tim is clingy as ever. I needed to go to central last week, and when I was leaving, every time I would step out of the door I would here a soft whimper and look back to see Tim completely fine, just sitting there." Dick sighed, rubbing above his temples.

"Who's with him right now?" Barbra asked.

"Cass is with him. She likes the quiet and he seems to be fine with her." Dick cracked his neck. "By the way, I heard that your dad was back in the hospital. He doin' okay?" Barbra smiled.

"He's fine, he just fell down the stairs because the elevator was 'Taking too long' as he put it." Barbra and Dick both laughed at that and then Dick felt something vibrate in his pocket. He grabbed out his phone and saw it was from Tim.

"It's Tim, I have to take it, sorry." Dick walked out of the small neighborhood café and answered, only to hear sobs. "Hey, Tim, what's wrong buddy?"

"You left me alone." Tim said, sobbing while talking.

"No, Cass is there. She was there when I lef-"

"Well she's not here now! Where are you?" Tim asked, trying to control his tears.

"I'm over at the corner café with Bab's. She wanted to meet up to help me distress. Things have been kinda pressuring at Wayne Enterprise and I'm kinda in the middle of it." Dick rubbed his arms in the fringed air. 

"Can I talk to Babs?" Dick sighed. He walked in and nodded to Barbra, handing her the phone.

"Hey Timber's. You doing okay?" Barbra asked, hearing small sniffs on the other end.

"No, I'm not okay Babs." Tim said, in a some what stern voice, but still having it be high pitched like normal.

"Well, I think I know what would make it better. What if I brought Dick back and I come hang out. Maybe I can help you feel better." Barbra smiled and Dick's face as he just glared at her.

"Thanks Babs, that would be nice." Tim said with another sniff.

"We'll be there in a little bit, but I think you need to sleep a little bit. See you soon." Bab's then hung up and handed Dick the phone. "Now, let's go and you can look for Cass." Dick looked confused.

"How did you-"

"I put a microphone on your jacket." Bab's said, wheeling herself towards the access ramp. Dick put a fifty dollar bill o the table with the check and they both got out to the car, getting to the manor quickly.

As Barbra sat and talked with Tim, Dick walked up stairs to look for Cass. He started to hear a small cry and found the source. Damian was sitting with Cass rapping her arms around his shoulders, while they sat on Jason's old bed.

"He's not gone."

"Damian, he's gone, he couldn't have survived a gun to the head and then an explosion. It's just not possible."

"No, what's not possible is how easily this family gave up looking for him! I was finally starting to get to know you all and everything fell apart again. I can't go through another three years of emotionless nothing." Damian said, pulling his head into Cass's neck, letting any and all tears fall.

Dick walked in and sat on the other side of Damian.

"Damian, we're here for you. We didn't forget about him, we just needed to stay away from the topic for Bruce's sake. Bruce already lost Jason once, and that was his first big mistake. When Jason came back Bruce had almost watched him die again. It's hard for all of us, but we need to be strong." Dick said, putting a hand on Damian's shoulder.

They sat for second. Cass felt Damian move and looked down to see him snuggling into Dick. Dick just rapped his arm around Damian and pulled him in softly.

"Don't leave Grayson." Damian said softly. Dick started to rub his back and sh him.

"I won't, okay little wing?" Dick brushes a hand through Damian's hair, whispering softly. "I'll never leave you."

DC PARENTS BOOK 2: A second Chance Death.Where stories live. Discover now