Silence is deadly

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It had been 2 years since Jason's death, and another tragedy had hit the family. Well, Dick and Bruce more than anything.


"Why didn't you tell any of us?" Cass asked, rubbing her temples.

"Sure, me, the boy blunder, is going to tell people he has a kid! Sure, that totally makes sense. And I was going to tell you all, but I had a plan, Jason and I had a plan, and then everything just passed and I totally just forgot about it." Dick said. Tim sat there for a second.

"Dick, I think it's a little hard to forget your married." Tim said, exchanging glances with Damian.

"Really? Bruce, how many people were you engaged to in the year 2017?" Dick asked. Every turned, and Bruce was frozen. He had to think for a second.

"Talia, Selina, Samantha, so three, well, I guess, no, I was only engaged to Selina at the time, because Samantha is.. wait, no, that was... 2. I was engaged to Selina at the time and Talia at the time because that was-"

"You were still married to Talia in 2018." Tim perched in. Bruce frowned.

"I was engaged to one person and illegally married to one person in 2018. Final answer." Bruce concluded, realizing he shouldn't be proud of that.

"Yeah, okay, but who are you still engaged to?" Damian asked. Bruce looked surprised.

"For your information, neith-" Bruce stopped and thought for a second. He grabbed out his phone. "So, I'm going to go swing by Selina's in about two hours when she gets back. Dick, you have till then to tell me what you wanna do?"

"What do you mean 'what I want to do'? I want my daughter to know her grandfather, and sorry, when the other one is millions of years away and Kori can't really jump without a real reason, you guys are kinda the only family she's got. And Besides, you guys need to meet Jason's family. I know you guys don't like them, or don't even want to be in the same room as them, but it's Jason's kid. Rose has been taken care of this boy on her own for two years now cause she can't even tell her own father that she's alive. No person, but especially, no women should have to go through with that. All I ask is for a place where she can stay while I get her father to calm down and explain what happened to her. Could you guys just promise that?" Dick looked with pleading eyes at all of them. 

Tim and Cass were smiling back, ready to help. Damian had rolled his eyes, but he was going to help no matter what. It was all up to Bruce though.

"You have, one year. If this women, is in my house, for over a year, I'll keep her, but I'm kicking you out, Dick. And Tim, you can go to, sense you are looking so cocky over there." Tim threw up his hands at first but then put them down.

"Hey- Nah, okay, that's fair."

"Okay, I'm gonna go get Rose and TJ then. Tim, could you get a room ready for the two of them? Preferably not red." Tim nodded as Dick grabbed his coat and started for the door. 

"You want me to come with you?" Cass asked.

"Oh, let me tell you, if you came, I would be signing hospital wavers for days." Dick laughed, the door shutting hard behind him.

The room was silent for a minute. Tim had gone to prepare a room, Cass had ended up walking off somewhere. Which left Bruce and Damian in the living room. Bruce was being awfully quiet when Damian finally spoke.

"Father, did Grayson say we wouldn't want to be in the same room as this Rose? Who is she?" Damian asked. Bruce smiled slightly.

"We don't know who she is, but I don't care who she is. If she's Jason's family, then we need o know her and take care of her when in need. That's the only reason we have family, to look out of one another." Bruce said calmly.

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