One Boy, One Son, One Frightened Child.

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Damian had gotten a little bit better over the months. He had started going to school when it started up again, and he continued with Dick as Robin. He was eating normally again and actually sleeping at night. Still if someone said something about Jason he would get a little quiet and a little stiffened, but for the most part he was back to normal.

Tim was doing better for about a months, and then he started to have... dreams.

The air wicked at his frigidly frozen finger as he felt his face. Every step he took only brought more and more coldness. He started to hear a wild Whisper whip around him in a burr of a flurry. He started to squint at the direction of the whisper and saw the glow of light. He started to walk, as fast as he could through the cold, to the light. He came to see it was the light on a cabin and ran to open the door. It was locked as he pulled hard on it. He looked around and saw a window, quickly walking over and wiping the frost from the glass. He looked in to see Bruce, Damian, Cass, and Barbra, Stephanie sitting with a little boy and an older man, and Dick sitting with a little girl of his own. All were smiling happily at the fire, Bruce stocking it from his big red chair. Tim was about to knock on the window when someone put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't bother. They won't come." Tim turned to see Jason, shimmering in the hindering moon light. "They never did for me. They sat and laughed happily that I was gone. Didn't you think it was weird how only you and Damian were sad about me dying?  They leave you to die in the cold, so why live in the warmth waiting to be sacrificed like a pig knowing that he had been to be slaughtered. You can end it Tim, end the pain! End the suffering! Just grab the knife that Bruce keeps under your bed, you know it's still there. End it all before they can throw you out into the cold. Don't end the way I did. End the way you want to."

Jason's figure disappeared into the snowy shadows, Tim reaching out, too late to grab at him. Tim looked back at the people around the fire, seeing them putting up small stockings on the mantel. He watched as a stocking with the initials T.J.D. was picked up. He smiled. They hadn't forgotten him, they were going to put up his stocking and let him inside.

Tim readied himself to run to the door, but watched as Dick carelessly shrugged at the stocking, throwing it into the fire, hearing a snap as the bell sewed to it popped open.

Tim gasped awake, jolting up on the bed. He held his chest, touching his face, wiping away tears. He looked around his room, seeing the door shut closed. He heard something from the room next to him, a noise of someone on the phone, talking in a low hushed voice. Tim couldn't make out who was talking, or what they were saying, but he knew it was either Dick or Bruce.

Tim got off the bed quietly and reached his hand under the bed, feeling for the knife Bruce kept there twenty four seven. He found it and took it out, looking straight at the blade parallel with his nose, his eyes squinting as he heard loud steps coming from where the person talking on the phone had been. He quickly threw the knife back under the bed, jumping back into bed and covering himself with covers.

He heard the door opened and the foot steps get closer to the bed. He had one eye open under the covers, seeing the slightest sliver of light. In that sliver of light he saw Bruce's face, reaching down under the bed. Tim watched as Bruce got back up, having the knife in his hands. He put it into his jacket pocket and looked down at where Tim was.

"Get some rest Tim." He said before leaving the room.

Tim sat still as he heard the door close. He quickly got up and locked the door, not checking for foot steps anymore. He went to his bathroom and started to run cold water, splashing it on his face. He looked up into the mirror, feeling more tears coming down his face.

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