Well, well, well

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It had now been three days since Harry last saw Beau when he took her to practice. She told him that on Saturday's she has games at the park and for him to come. Harry hadn't been to any of her games since her joining a new league.

He had a lot of free time since he worked part time in a bakery every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. He would even go in during the weekends to help out. He didn't need the money, his mom and stepdad are wealthy people and pass on the wealth to Harry. So though he didn't need the money, he liked to be productive during the day. The extra cash didn't really hurt either.  

Harry hopped out of his king size bed and into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, waiting for the water to get warm and stripped his clothes. He showered quickly not wanting to miss Beaus game.

He blow dried his long hair, got dressed, and brushed his teeth before running down the stairs, out the door, and into his SUV.


Harry parked his car across the street from the park seeing the kids waiting with their parents. He spotted Beau and Taylor. Hesitantly he walked over to them. Beau spotted her dad and started running towards him.

"Dad!" Beau yelled running into his open arms. He scooped her up and carried her over to the field. It was times like this that made Harry's heart swell.

"Hey beautiful." Beau cringed and patted her dad to put her down. And the moment was gone once he put her down and walked over to his ex-wife.

"Harry." She said tilting her sunglasses down to look at him properly.

"Taylor, how are you?" he asked, trying to be civil for Beau's sake.

"Fine." She said not bothering to ask him how he was doing.

"Alright girls huddle up!" Harry looked over to the side of the field closest to them and spotted Louis waving his arms.

"Good luck," Harry said to Beau as she ran over towards her team.

"So, is it alright if I take Beau next weekend after her game?" Harry asked since it was mainly up to the mother(in this case) to decide when he can see his own child.

"I have a date anyway. I don't want you to be influencing her since you have her this weekend too." She looked at her phone.

"Um, yeah okay."

"Great, I'm off now." She said in a monotone voice and walked away without a goodbye to Harry or Beau.

"You don't want to watch Be-" he stopped talking when realizing she was too far in the parking lot to here him. He rubbed his hands over his face sighing.

"Well, well, well." Harry looked over to see Louis standing beside him. Harry's heart fluttered because to him Louis resembled a small cat. His hair fluffy and his wide eyes. But cats don't talk.

"Fancy seeing you here- Well, not really, but glad you came." Louis said slightly flustered. Harry blushed staring at Louis.

"Didn't want to miss Beau's game. Unlike her mother." Harry muttered still upset over Taylor just leaving like that.

Louis nodded understandingly,"Well enjoy the game, love, take your mind off of her." He gave Harry a small smile and ran back to the field. Harry's eyes wondered go Louis ass.

"Well my mind is off of her now."


Beau passed the ball to one of her teammates to which she kicked it in the direction of the goal. Everyone stood there with anticipation. The goalie leaped for the ball but it managed to slip past. Everyone cheered at the final goal and another win for the little lions.

Beau cheered with her teammates and ran over to her dad giving him a hug.

"Nice pass kiddo! You guys did great!" She thanked her dad and ran back to line up with her team. They gave the other team high fives, some pretended to. Harry started to grab Beau's things as she and Olivia ran up to him.

"Dad! The whole team is going out for ice cream! Can we go?" Harry though for a moment. "Pleease." She begged and even got Olivia to.

"Yes Harry, please can she go?" He heard a man say. Louis stood there with a cheeky smile as he looked at Harry with puppy dog eyes.

He smiled and looked at Beau and Olivia, "Fine." They squealed and went to tell their soccer friends.

"It's that easy for you to give in?" Louis questioned with an eyebrow raised and a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well- I mean I can't really say no.." Harry trailed off looking out at Beau then to Louis.

"Fair enough." Louis nodded and took a small step forward.

"So you'll be there?" Harry casually asked looking down at the green grass beneath him.

"Mmm no." Louis said seriously which made Harry's head shoot up. "Kidding, I'll be there. Only cause you seem to want me there." Louis said. Harry blushed but didn't try to to deny it.

All he said was a simple "Whatever," which caused Louis to laugh.

"I guess we should be heading there then? Do you know which place it is?" Harry asked.

"Oh yeah, I'll text you the address." Harry nodded turning to grab the girls bags. "I don't have your number yet." Louis told Harry.

"Oh right." Harry stood up right. He fished his phone out of his pocket, he put in the code and handed it to Louis to put his number in. Louis did the same. They gave each others phones back, Harry blushing.

"So I'll see you there?"

"Ya, see you there." Harry smiled.


I never know how long to make chapters but this felt like a good place to end it..

But next chapter will be cute and maybe a little more Larry?
also sorry for not updating? didn't know if people actually like this story. at least it's a thursday :)))
I'm trying to take things slow because i know how easy it is for me to rush stuff because i(we) want the LARRYYYYY.

hope y'all enjoyed! xx

Soccer Mom | Larry Stylinson | by peachylarriesWhere stories live. Discover now