Phil's POV

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    It hit me. I'd have to go home sometime and get some stuff from home. Though I didn't want to, it had to be done. I talked to Dan about it earlier last night and he agreed to go with me. My injuries were healing up nicely actually. I just had to find a time when dad wasn't home.
    He isn't normally there in the mornings so I told Dan to wake me up at around 8:00. He agreed and set the alarm after giving me a slow kiss.
    My eyes felt groggy and tired whenever he woke me up. "Hey Danny," I said, grinning sleepily at him.
    "Ugh, I love your morning voice Philly."
    I leaned into him, seducing him with my heavy breathing onto his neck. Dan shivered. "Oh hm."
    He smiled as I kissed his neck slowly, biting little parts of his skin. I pulled back a little aghast at what I did but not regretting a bit of it. "C'mon Danny," we have to take a trip back to my dad's house and get my stuff so I can stay with you for a while. My cool boyfrie-"
    I cut myself off. "Boyfriend," Dan finished.
    "Yeah, that's right."
    I gave him another sloppy kiss and got up.  I put on a pair of jeans and my favorite cat t-shirt. Dan put on a black shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. We both did a fringe check before pulling on shoes. Dan grabbed the car keys and we headed out of the house, hands linked.
As we sat in the car, Dan looked over at me, smiling. "It'll be okay Phil."
    "I really hope so," I mutter.
    As we drive the thoughts come crawling back into my head. They're like a disease that never leaves and I'm the host. Your dad will be there. He hates you, wants you dead. But you want you dead too right? Dan doesn't want you. Just stay home and take it like a man.
    I shake off the thoughts, knowing they're only plaguing me at a vulnerable time. I grab Dan's free hand and click on the radio with my other hand. Some calming indie music is playing, definitely Dan's taste.
    He pulls into my driveway and we look for dads beat up, old truck. It's nowhere in sight so I grab the extra key out from under the mat and let myself in.
    I'm a little embarrassed at the fact that while I was gone, everything had gotten even trashier. Beer bottles and junk food wrappers littered the house. "I'm..."
    I didn't know what to say. Tears spilled out of my eyes and I wiped them away before any more slipped. Dan clutched my shoulders tightly. "C'mon let's go up to your room," he says, using a soft and kind voice.
    I lead him up to my room, avoiding the debris on the stairs. When I open the door a small scream lets out of my mouth. It was a mess. A huge mess. Everything was strewn haphazardly out of my drawers. There was smashed glass and amber liquid stained into my carpet.
    I began to weep, turning in to heave myself into Dan's strong shoulders. I wasn't crying because I was sad. No. I was pissed. Beyond pissed. I sniffle a bit and turn back to the wreckage, face beet red.
    I let out a scream and look at all of my favorite things, destroyed and strung about my room. I start to pick up the things I can find that aren't wrecked. My poetry book, which had bent pages and tears throughout. My old teddy, which survived the rampage. A few of my clothes were salvageable. I grabbed a few pairs of jeans, boxers, socks, and t-shirts. There was only one more thing in my plain room that I needed to search for. The things my mother left me. Her favorite necklace and the note.
    I open my dresser. Another gasp emits from the pits of my stomach. The note was torn to pieces. I gather them up in my hand and hold them to my chest. A single tear streaks down my red, hot face.
    I then grab the necklace and turn to Dan, despair etching its way across my face. "Please, take me home now."

Author's Note: okay so i'm not going to be the best with update for the next two weeks because i have dance rehearsals and performances. hope you all are doing fantastically!

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