Phil's POV

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    I walked home today feeling better. My grey mood was gone and all I could think of was Dan. He was so sweet to me, I felt like I could already tell him everything. The thing was, I couldn't. I couldn't tell him that I am depressed or that I have an abusive dad and a mom that could care less. Not now at least. Finally someone I could trust, or could I? I just didn't know anymore. Going home seemed to be even worse than staying out on the street. Maybe I'd stay here for a while and wander. My mood would go down and then I could go home the way dad was used to, gloomy. If I was even a little happy he had to destroy it.

    I took a walk down to a lake at the park and sat there on my phone. I could've been enjoying nature but instead I sat scrolling through my Instagram. It was then that I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't want to turn around. In fact, I wanted to be left alone. But then this person said my name. "Phil?"

    It was Dan's voice. I could pick his voice out of thousands in a crowd. I turned to face him. "Hi Dan."

    He sat beside me, taking his shoes off and dangling his feet in the water. "I thought you'd go home," he said, looking me over quizzically. 

    "I was going to, I just wanted to sit some place in peace before I went back home."

    Dan took his feet out of the water and began to put his shoes back on. "I'm really sorry I didn't mean to bother you," he said, voice twinging with something I didn't recognize. 

    "No, you weren't bothering me, I just meant that I needed a break from my family for a bit. You're good company."

    Dan gave me a smile and stuck his feet back in the water. "You know we can go back to my house and hang out for a bit, my mom is really nice. She'll probably make cookies," Dan said, getting back up.

    "No, it's okay, honestly."

    Dan grabbed my shoulders and helped me up. I followed him up and walked with him to his house. It's not like that could cause problems. I just had to be back by 4:30. He was immediately welcomed by a warm woman. She was the typical poster mom, but she also seemed sweet. He had such a nice house, I was almost jealous of it. Nice mom, nice house, nice everything. "This place is lovely Mrs. Howell."

    "Please, call me Susan," she said, smiling sweetly.

     I smiled at her, the smile I reserved for other people's parents. "You guys can go on up to Dan's room, I'll be making cookies down in the kitchen.

    As she walked away I heard Dan whisper an, "I told you."

    We walked up the stairs to his room and he sat on his bed. I stood awkwardly, not really wanting to sit on his bed. My eyes wandered his room and I saw a beautiful rose painting towards the corner of his room. The thing was, it was no ordinary rose, it was different. "That's beautiful, did you paint that?"

    Dan's face flushed red. "Erm yeah, I meant to put that away-"

    "No I really like it!"

    Dan smiled sweetly. "Really?"

    "Really, do you take classes or something?"

    Dan nodded his head no. He looked at the ground as if he was embarrassed. "No, I'm self taught, I don't really believe in taking classes, it takes away from the artistic ability you were already born with. It teaches you new things and gets rid of the old things. I mean in a way it's great but sometimes it just takes away from people's artwork."

    My eyes closed. That was thoughtful. I already knew Dan was different but this made me like him even more. After my small hesitation to answer Dan's face got even more red. "Sorry, that sounded really weird-"

    "No no, it was really profound," I said, letting out a small giggle.

    Dan put his hand over mine and smiled. I pulled back, surprised at Dan's bold action. "I m so sorry, I didn't mean it that way!"

    "No it's okay Dan, I didn't mind, it just scared me."

    I looked over at the digital clock on Dan's desk. 4:28. I jumped up, heart thumping out of my chest. "I have to go, my dad is literally going to kill me," I said, my voice a bit breathless.

    "Erm okay at least let me walk you home," Dan said, looking a bit confused. 

    "No I can't be seen walking home with you. It'd be best for both of us if you stayed."

    Dan squinted his eyes at me and jotted something down on a piece of paper. He folded it and handed it to me. "Just in case you wanted to talk to me."

    "Thanks for having me over Dan."

    At that, I dashed over to his window and jumped, landing square on the ground. I raced to my house. I already knew I was late but maybe dad was gone. I had no such luck. The door was open to a very drunken angry dad. He snatched me by the collar of my shirt. I whimpered knowing there was no getting out of this beating today. He shut the doors behind us and dragged me through the living room into the kitchen and flung me down. "You think you can just come home late," he said calmly, bloodshot eyes bulging.

    "I'm sorry," I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut tight.

    He lost what little cool he had left and pummeled me with his fists. Limbs were flying at me and striking me. I curled myself into a ball. The pain was blinding. Maybe that was just because I'm weak. I tried to lift my arm up to stop him but my side screamed out in pain. I felt a cold liquid spill over my head. Beer, cold smelly beer. I spat out the droplets that made their way through the part in my lips. "I want you to think about what you did downstairs for a long, long time," he slurred.

    He picked me up by the back of my shirt and threw me down the stairs. I whimpered in pain and tears slipped down my cheeks. I lay there in pain for a while, waiting for dad to come let me out but he never did. I heard him snoring an hour later. I couldn't even move enough to try to get out. So even though I knew it wasn't a good idea, I called Dan. He answered sleepily.

    "Erm hey Phil, what're you doing up so late?"

    "Hey can you do me a favor and pick me up. It's an emergency," I squeaked. 

    My voice came out weak even though I tried to keep it level. "Yeah, I'll be right over," he said, voice tinging with worry. "What's your address?"

   "314 Cherry St. Please don't hang up."

    "I won't, promise."

    Sure enough, he got here soon. "Okay, I'm here what now. There should be a small window and it should be unlocked. I'll be in there. You will have to help me out. It hurts so bad."

    I saw Dan at the window looking in worriedly. He opened the window and hung up the phone. "Are you okay Phil?"

    "Yeah just please help me up I need out of this place."

    Dan helped me up out of the window and into the car. As he pulled away I let out a big breath. It felt like maybe I let out a bit more than just oxygen though.

Author's Note: i'm so bad at uploading ha. also sorry if there are weird typos, my kittens like my keyboard.

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