Chapter 46: Recruiting for the Princess

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Channan slipped out of the dark alley, heading for the new meeting place where they were having the recruiting session. The news had been spread quietly to some known dissenters, and they in turn, would spread the news to those they knew who wanted to see Hashim come down.

It had been a month since his talk with Yaz.

He already had a good thousand recruits or so, and half of them had gotten positions in the army of Syrinia. Channan’s men and he himself had gotten positions in the inner guard just as Yaz had instructed.

Things were getting to the tipping point, thankfully, because they only had a month or two left before they would need to act.

He hoped that Yaz’s friends would come to their aid when the time came because if they didn’t, taking down Hashim was going to take a lot of lives. Lives that could be saved if her mysterious friends showed up.

He stalked in the back door of the tavern, hood drawn over his fine features, hands gloved in black, a dagger ensconced in his boots and a saber strapped to his hip.

The bouncers at the back door let him pass without comment. The tavern owner was a supporter of the cause.

A motley collection of men and boys were interspersed throughout the tables. He stared at them, waiting for them to take note of him and quiet themselves.

After a few moments, the stranger in the ragged cloak with the hood pulled up and a sword strapped to his hip was noted.

The noise in the tavern died.

He clapped his hands to get their attention, but it wasn’t really necessary as they were already focusing all their attention on him.

He stepped up onto a chair to address the crowd in quiet tones, keeping his voice loud enough that they could hear, but quiet enough that they had to pay close attention to him in order to understand. He wanted to grab their attention and hold it.

“All of you who are gathered here tonight are united in a common purpose… You all want to see our current ruler deposed. You all hate him for taking the things you love, whether it be family members who openly protested or taxing you heavier than any ruler before has ever done. And that is why you are here…” He paused, gauging their reaction to his words, watching their faces in silence.

Then he continued. “I too want the things you want. Revenge being the foremost. That man killed my father, my mother, my son, and my wife. He killed them all when he took over because they were affiliated with me and I dared to protest. I dared to say no to him. He would’ve taken me too, but I fought back and escaped…”

There were murmurs in the room.

“I will never forget the brutal murders of my loved ones… I watched it all, helpless to stop them… So I’m here today to offer you all a chance to join me and my men in the fight. Join me and help to bring down the monstrous tyrant who now rules us. He holds our Princess in captivity even now. He has her trapped in a marriage she does not want, carrying the babe of a man she abhors… So join me and fight for country, for home, for loved ones, for our beloved Princess, who sought me out to offer me the same chance I’m offering you. Fight, men! Fight for liberty and justice!” He lowered his voice. “Fight against the monster who rules us now. Fight to show you are not slaves or dogs. Fight to show that you are not to be owned. Stand beside me, and fight!”

The men leapt to their feet, roaring their agreement and raising glasses of beer, ale, or water, depending on what they were drinking at the time. They flocked to him, bowing in greeting and respect, touching his shoulder quietly, and offering their support, their aid.

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