Chapter 14: All This - For An Oil Pot?

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Fath gazed into the mouth of the cave. Eyeing the narrow opening dubiously, he turned back to Hashim. “So… You’re certain it’s in there?”

Hashim nodded. “It’s guarded by the ancient spirit spoken of in my texts. I am certain. I…” He paused. “It wouldn’t let me in.”

“Why not?” Fath frowned.

Hashim shrugged. “How am I to know?”

Fath turned back to the cave’s mouth, uncertain. “Why wouldn’t you know? How do you know it will let me pass?”

Hashim cleared his throat. “Well, you see… My texts say that only the pure in heart can pass.”

Fath doubled over laughing when he heard that. “That’s why you couldn’t get in?”

Hashim shuffled. “Yes, well… Apparently, I didn’t qualify. I don’t know why I ever thought I would. I’m not exactly the picture of innocence.”

Fath shook his head, grinning. “No… No, I imagine not.” He sighed. “Well, nothing for it but to try, I suppose.”

“Yes… We’re here, so might as well try. If you can’t get in, I don’t know what we’ll do.” Hashim was wringing his hands, pacing up and down the sand dunes outside the cave’s mouth.

“Well… Hashim, why didn’t you tell me about this before we came?” Fath asked, curiosity aroused.

Hashim laughed. “Fear, I suppose. I was worried what you’d think of me if you found out why I needed you apart from the fact that I really couldn’t get through the tunnels even should I have been granted access.”

Fath nodded, rubbing the side of his nose as he always did when thinking hard. “I suppose I understand that…” He said, frowning. “So… Anything else I should know before I go in?”

Hashim shrugged. “Just a few things to watch. Don’t touch anything, walls included. If you do, my texts say that the cave is wired to collapse. You are only to touch the lamp. That is all. No matter what you see, go straight ahead. Turn to the side, and you will die. Once you have the lamp, continue out of the chamber. Do not turn back for anything. If you do…”

“I’ll die.” Fath finished. “Anything else?”

“No.” Hashim smiled tightly.

Fath looked at the sand beneath them, shuffling a bare foot along it. “Well… Here I go then.”

Hashim cleared his throat, grasping Fath’s shoulders. “Be careful in there, lad. Don’t go getting yourself killed. I’d never forgive myself, and neither would that woman you call Mother.”

Fath grinned. He’d taken Hashim to meet his mother on the way out of the city since he hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye to her yet. His mother had given Hashim quite the tongue lashing and let the two of them go with a firm warning that Hashim had best “watch after her boy or risk life and limb.” Fath knew exactly what his mother was like, and she didn’t make idle threats. Hashim had good reason to fret.

“Don’t worry about me, Hashim. I’ll be back. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

“I hope not, boy. I hope not.” Hashim muttered. “Well, off you go then.” Hashim clapped Fath on the back, and then lit a torch, handing it to Fath. “Take care this doesn’t go out. It’s your only source of light in there…”

Fath accepted the torch, and then ducked his head, turned, and walked into the narrow cave entrance. 


Yaz turned to look at Gafar, grinning. “You did this all for me?”

Gafar nodded. “Well, go on… Settle in. We’re spending all day here.”

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