Chapter 33: Battles

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Cemal stared at the tiny shack.

It was lopsided and appeared to have been shoved together in haste. The door was falling off its hinges, and the window’s oilskins were ripped and fluttered in the gentle breeze. No light lit the windows, and a still pallor hung over the house. The path was overgrown with desert grass and covered in sand from the recent sandstorm. Nothing moved in or around the house, and no animals crept or crawled about the space.

Not even a bug stirred about the hut.

The silence was unnatural.

This had to be where Hashim was hiding. Either that or some other wizard or wicked being was hiding out here. Besides, this was where Cemal had tracked Hashim.

He had to be here.

Cemal walked up the path, sand shifting underneath his boots as he walked. The grass crackled softly under his feet, and he crept to the door.

A sudden hiss alerted him to the fireball just before it struck the path. He leapt out of the way, narrowly avoiding being incinerated by the blast. As it was, the heat seared the backs of his bare arms.

A harsh laugh echoed through the area. “Think you can escape me, do you?”

Cemal glared, pushing himself up and spitting sand out of his mouth. “Yes, actually.” He ground out.

Another laugh. “Pitiful…”

Cemal raised his head and leapt to his feet, prepared to fight Hashim.

Hashim hovered in the air before him, a wide grin on his face. “Prepare to die, Assassin. You will not survive this.”

Cemal huffed. “You would say that. Who let you out?” He hissed.

Hashim shrugged, playing with another flaming ball, which, incredibly, didn’t sear or burn his hands as he tossed it casually from one hand to the other. “Not allowed to tell you… Wouldn’t even if I could.”

Cemal nodded. “I thought it would be that way. Very well.”

He pulled a knife from the sheath at his hip, spinning it into a good grip between his fingers and sending it hurtling at Hashim.

Hashim moved, but not quite quickly enough to avoid it entirely. The knife’s blade sliced into his arm, sending blood spilling down his white shirt and brown pants. He hissed, glaring at Cemal. “You’ll pay for that!” He ground out.

The flaming fireball made a beeline for Cemal’s head. Cemal ducked, narrowly avoiding being reduced to a handful of ashes.

Hashim let out a loud laugh. “This… This will be fun, little boy.” He teased, prancing about. “What’s your trouble? Can’t get to me?” He taunted.

Cemal glared. “Not at all… You can’t goad me into action like that. How about you? What’re you waiting for if you can incinerate me or slice my throat so easily?” Cemal growled.

Hashim’s gaze narrowed. “I want your death to be fast so I can do what I actually wanted to do, but if you keep taunting me… I might just prolong it…”

Cemal shrugged. “Only if you can catch me.” And with that, he spun into action, becoming a whirling dervish of knives and saber.


 Yaz stared out the window of the palace, tears streaking down her cheeks.

Her father approached quietly, moving to stand by her side and stare out the window.

She turned to him. “Why did you say yes? Why did you let him go?” She wept.

He pulled her into a hug. “It is his task, his destiny. He is the Assassin of Syrinia. If he can’t do it… Who can?”

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