Chapter 5: Secrets

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The guard barely spared Fath a glance, instead pushing past him and towards Yaz. “Princess Yazmina! You must come with me now. You’re not supposed to be outside the palace walls, my Lady!”

Princess Yazmina? Fath thought in alarm. He had just helped the Princess escape the guards. What would they do to him for it? He had touched her too. He was sure the guard had seen it. Touching the Princess was punishable by death.

Was he going to die? Would they stake him out in the hot desert sun with nothing but sand and wind around him, letting him die a slow death for his breach of the law? Or perhaps they would simply behead him? Maybe he would be arrested and spend the rest of his life in jail for what he’d done.

The terrible thoughts went through his head in dizzying spirals, making him feel queasy.

The guard turned to look at him, pointing to him. “You! You’re under arrest!”

His eyes widened. His worst nightmare. It was coming true. He would be arrested and maybe tortured. And he wouldn’t survive it either, would he? He started hyperventilating, his hands knotting in his baggy pants as he stared helplessly at Yaz. No, Yazmina. He had to remember that.

But then he lowered his gaze from her to stare at the floor. He needed to run. She’d lied to him. She wouldn’t be helping him.

He turned and started to run.

“Wait!” Yazmina’s clear, bell-like voice cut through the air.

But he didn’t wait. He just ran. If he stayed, he would be arrested. She had already lied to him. She might even help the guard arrest him simply because he’d touched her when the law clearly said that touching the Princess was illegal and a crime punishable by death.

He couldn’t wait around and let that happen to them. He had his mother and a job waiting. Nothing could induce him to stay when Yazmina had lied to him and the guard would just arrest him. He wouldn’t wait around and go to the Sultan’s dungeons.


Panting, he ran into the house. The guard hadn’t come after him, and he wondered why, but then, the guard had seen his face and could probably find him easily. He ran up the stairs, ignoring his mother’s frantic calls. Dropping into the chair beside the bed, he knotted his hands in his hair, trying to calm down.

A tear tracked down his cheek, followed quickly by another. What had he done? What had he done?


Yazmina sat on her silk-cushioned bed, pouting. Her father, Sultan Imaran, glared down at her. “Yazmina, what have I told you about remaining in the palace?”

She shrugged, keeping her face blank and cold.

“What have I told you?” He persisted.

She didn’t want to argue with him. She hated it when they argued.

Yazmina loved him with all her heart, but he was stifling with his strict rules about what she could and couldn’t do, where she couldn’t go, who she couldn’t consort with. Not only that, lately, he’d been swamping her with potential suitors.

She’d turned everyone down so far. Yazmina had no interest in marriage. She would be Queen anyway. Well, technically, not if she didn’t get married. But she didn’t believe for a moment that her father would make her marry or follow that law if she didn’t marry.

At sixteen, she was of marriageable age and her hand was in great demand. Of course, her father wouldn’t marry her to just anyone, but she didn’t really care. She wouldn’t marry anyone until she was ready. Even if it took until she was an old maid for her to be ready, she would wait.

Only, in the market today, when she’d met that boy – Shah – she’d felt strangely compelled to think differently of her view on marriage. His bright brown-black eyes and thick lashes combined with his unruly black hair held her mind captive. Her heart fluttered thinking of him, and against her will, a smile formed softly on her lips.

Her father sighed. “You aren’t listening to me, are you?”

She shook off her reverie, determined not to let that happen again. She would not daydream about Fath – a boy she’d just met and knew nothing about. It would not happen.

Yazmina forced her face back into submission, willing her blank expression back onto her features. “Of course I am listening, Father. Why would you believe otherwise?”

He rolled his eyes. “You assumed your usual pose of concentration, and you always bite your lower lip when you’re daydreaming.” He sighed. “I’m just trying to keep you safe, Yaz. Please… Don’t leave the palace grounds again without a guard.”

She shrugged, noncommittal as always.

He moaned. “You aren’t going to listen to me, are you?”

She shrugged again.

He huffed. “I know you. And that’s a no. What could possibly induce you to do this, Yazmina? Really… It puts you in unnecessary danger…”

She unconsciously tuned him out again. Her thoughts drifted, once again resting on Shah without her approval.

Her father’s touch on her shoulder shook her out of it again. “Yaz!”

“What?” She looked at him abruptly.

“That’s the second time within a few minutes that you’ve gotten that dazed look and adopted that little smile. What exactly are you thinking about?” He gazed down at her, frowning.

“Oh… Nothing much…” She avoided his gaze.

“We both know that’s a lie.” He persisted.

She smiled softly. “Yes… And we both know I don’t want to tell you what I was thinking about.”

He smirked. “Yes, we do. But if you won’t tell me as your father, then I’ll command you to tell me as your Sultan.”

She shrugged. “And I’ll refuse anyway. Subject me to torture if you wish, my Lord.” She teased.

He smiled devilishly. “Oh, that is the way you wish to play, is it, daughter?”

She nodded, crossing her arms in determination.

He smirked. “You asked for it.”

Then he pinned her down, tickling her mercilessly.

Her laughter rang through the bedroom and down the halls through her open door. “Stop, Father… Please… Stop!” She gasped.

He grinned down at her. “Will you tell me now?”

She shook her head weakly, still trying to catch her breath.

He tickled her again until she was gasping.

“How about now?”

She nodded. “Yes! I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you… Just please stop!” She laughed, breathless.

He smiled, letting her up, and helping her sit up on the bed. “So? What were you daydreaming about?” He pushed, raising an eyebrow, still smiling.

“You really want to know?” She evaded.

He nodded. “Yes.”

“Fine… I met someone while I was out today.” Yazmina exclaimed, eyes glowing as she launched into the explanation of her day and a description of Shah.

The Sultan's Daughter (Princesses Uncovered #5)Where stories live. Discover now