chapter 26//drunk john is a horny john

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justyouwait: stop looking at me weird

justyouwait: and your solution is to not look at me?

turtleboi: would you rather have me eyefuck you and just let everyone know

justyouwait: hmph

turtleboi: you look very pretty though

justyouwait: stop making me blush

turtleboi: no

turtleboi: cutie

justyouwait: oH my goodness laf is staring at me

turtleboi: good

turtleboi: just kidding ill stop laf can't know


A gay bar. They brought me to a gay bar. I wasn't complaining, but it took me by surprise.

"We go here all the time," John whispered to me, noticing my shock.

The inside was a completely unique environment. The dim-lit room was crowded with loud visitors, most of them drunk.

Laf ushered me to the bar, where we all took a seat.

"Sam!" they called.

A short bartender with rusty hair perked up at the mention of his name. He scurried to the countertop in front of us.

"What can I get for you, Laf?"

"We'll all take the usuals," Herc answered.

"And for you?"

I didn't realize this question was pointed towards me until John flicked my arm.

"He'll have a water," John responded.

Within a minute or so, Sam returned with our drinks. He lingered to have a conversation with Laf.

"Sam, this is mon frère, Alexander Hamilton. Alexandre, this is Samuel Seabury," they introduced.

I politely shook hands with him.

"He is only twenty so I will effectively murder you if he so much touches a drop of alcohol."

Sam chuckled a bit at that.

"Don't worry, Lafayette. Your bro is in good hands." he shifted his focus to John. "Hey Laurens, Charles isn't here tonight. Think you can fill in?"

John's face contorted in discomfort.

"Come on, Sam. You promised it was a one time thing."

"Oh but everyone loved you! It's Friday, these men all just got home from a long week at work. They need you to relieve their stress."

"No," he simply answered.

My confusion was answered when Herc explained the dilemma.

"A few months ago Laurens got so drunk he filled in for a sick dancer here."

"It was a drunken mistake that will never happen again. I got so many numbers that night; it was awful."

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