chapter 24//nothing

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turtleboi: i can't believe you

justyouwait: what???

turtleboi: you went to lunch with my DAD?

justyouwait: so what

turtleboi: why wasn't i invited?

justyouwait: he invited me to get to know me

turtleboi: and?

justyouwait: young john laurens seems like a lil bitch

justyouwait: but yeah he likes me

turtleboi: what about the gay part?

justyouwait: he owes your sister fifty bucks

turtleboi: oH

turtleboi: those bitches

justyouwait: we're also supposed to go to south carolina for easter??

turtleboi: are you even catholic?

justyouwait: ha

justyouwait: no

justyouwait: also he said something about a certain martha mannings so we can talk about that ;)

turtleboi: don't mind her she's from a while ago

justyouwait: okay. you're gay as hell so why should i worry

turtleboi: thanks babygirl!

turtleboi: i'll pick you up at 3

justyouwait: actually i can't make it today

turtleboi: yes you can

turtleboi: burr informed me

justyouwait: i don't tell him everything

turtleboi: alex

justyouwait: john

turtleboi: you agreed now we're going

turtleboi: you have nothing to worry about


"You have nothing to worry about," John repeated, leading us into the office.

"I just don't think we need this.." I reasoned.

"Whatever you say."


"You two don't need this," Dr. Sanders stated.

"Ha! Told you," I remarked. 

John looked as if he had been slapped.

"What are you talking about?"

"You kids are in college. Have fun, make mistakes. It's not like you have any commitment. Unless you were planning to propose or something, but otherwise just live a little."

Usually I would have gloated to him about how he was wrong, but his sorrowful face restrained me. I could never put him in more anguish. When we arrived back in his dorm, his frown was pitiful.

"John, it's not a big deal-"

"Yes it is! We know nothing about each other despite having been dating for almost a year!"

I sat down on the bed, staring up at him with astonishment.

"Is that what you think? We know nothing about each other."

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