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(Third view pov)
The sound of polices' shoes' heels are really satisfying. Seulgi pushed the door and there's a boy sitting while hearing musics with his earpiece and mp3 player. She clicked on the table to gave him a signal.

That boy click his mp3 players' stop button and put it in his pocket. Without even looking at her. "Are you good and clear now?" She took her seat facing him in the interview room where the boy is there as one of an alibi for a case.

The boy nodded. Again without even looking at her. His eyes just explore his own hands on his lap. "Speak up what you see," she clicked her pen and started to fill the dates and stuff and then waiting for the boys' response. "Spill the bean, I said," she looked at him which he looks so in fear. "Hey, it is not a murder case, just tell me what you see," Seulgi tried to calm him down. But he doesn't even speak.

She clicked the pen again to close it and sit straight, ready to give him some impact. "If you choose to ignore me, this person will mark as guilty and you will feel guilty too instead," she raised her voice a little but the boy just stay quiet. "Hey look at me!" She pushed his chin upwards facing her. They made eyes contact.

Without her noticing, his left eye's pupil turned green in color. His head started to shake up so he pushed her hand away in pain. Then exhale and inhale as if he just got chase by a ghost. "I'm sorry," he stood up and left the place.

"Hah!" Seulgi scowled. "Where did you get a freak like that sunbaenim," she got away from the room and ask her sunbaenim.

"Lee Taeyong is so far his closest alibi beside Jun Jimyeon," her sunbaenim sighed. "Unless you find Jun Jimyeon, you can interview him instead of Lee Taeyong,"

Meanwhile Taeyong, is one of a university student who studied at the most top university and expensive university ever.

As he walked out from the police station, his breathing kept on being unstable so he ran to a small shop by the street and bought some fresh water. He drank it a little and his breathing came back to normal. "What was that," he questioned himself. "It never happen like in few years since-," he suddenly stopped. His eyes went soft as he let out a small sigh. His hearing suddenly connected with his watch's sound, then he took a glance on it and ran off as he knew he was late for his afternoon class.

"Late again Mr. Lee?" The security guard blocked him. He didn't answer a sigh but still wanted to go through and you know it he failed. He sighed. With his hopeless eyes. "This isn't the first time Mr. Lee,"

"I get it just let me pass through," he tried again but the security guard pushed his hands down.

"This ain't going to work," the security guard warned. Taeyong back off and walked away. Without even any talkback. Angry of course but he doesn't even let it out.

He went home and saw his father sitting on the living room with some girls around him. His father is a super billionaire, his mother died years ago and he's the only son of their own.

He went straight into to his room and jumped straight onto his bed. He sighed. And suddenly there's a knock on his room's door. The was opened a little and his father's bodyguard showed up between the opened door. "Boss Lee want to talk to you about matters,"

"I'm just going to ignore it and let you go away," He turned around not face the door.

"But Boss Lee said this is-"

"What? Another deal? I'm going to take over his money and business? I've told you and him and all of you, I refuse to!" His voice went too hard in the end. "Now get away before I lost my mind,"

"No Taeyong, you're not talking with your father like that," his father barged in. Taeyong stood up from his bed ready to face his father. "You're not talking to me like that!" His father with his old age mad.

"Get out before I gone mad,"

"You think you will? Woah, the last time you've gone mad was like years ago since your mother's death!" His father stated. "And I will die after this, then who would take care of these, my money?"

Taeyong's hand went fist as he hold his anger. As usual, he never went for an eye contact. "I'm holding it, you better off,"

"No," his father shook his head. "I am not leaving until you finally say yes and obey me," his father added. "Listen child, I'm an easy rich person and you're my son, its an easy deal. You belike me, you get what you want," his father half whispered.

"This isn't what I want," Taeyong's eyes went teary. "I want mom back, alive,"

"Mom, mom , MOM!" His father raised his voice. "She is dead you psycho! You know how much I have spend to get you back normal after your mother's death?! And yet you still a psycho?!"

"I am not a psycho!" Taeyong eyes gone mad and made an eye contact with his father which made his left eye's pupil went into green in color. "I can see your move next now,"

"Did you just threaten me?" His father was taken aback. "You psycho! I don't have a psycho son and a psycho ex wife!"

"Oh yes you didn't," in just a blink, Taeyong jumped to grab a gun from the bodyguard and shot his father's head which made him laying on the floor lifeless. As he shot, he closed both of his eyes. And opened it again.

Both of his eyes are green in color.

"Look who's back!" He laughed. "He just woke me up from a very long sleep! HAHAHAHA!" Taeyong continued with a smirk and a laugh. And the bodyguards back off.

One of the bodyguard hold their earpiece and spoke,"He's back."

He jokes. (Seulyong @ Seulgi and Taeyong ff)Where stories live. Discover now