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After getting up four hours earlier than the regular high school student and finishing all my chores, I could finally get ready to go to school. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My grey eyes look back at me. I have messy hair and clear skin. I wasn't very muscular as other werewolves, but the constant work kept me fit. I had good genetics, and I could be handsome if I dressed better. Not that I am allowed to have nice things, though. 

I chuckled lightly at my narcissistic impulses but quickly pushed myself into reality. I needed to hurry up. I had a bus to catch. Otherwise, I would be walking 10 miles to school; Been there, done that. I rather not repeat the experience.

I arrived early to school, as usual. As I stood by my locker, I saw the most bewitching creature enter the hallway. Elizabeth. She was beautiful, no, scratch that. She was drop-dead gorgeous. She was the sweetest girl in the world. 

Everyone and I mean everyone loved her. Even the school 'mean girls' liked her, and they tried to hate her for all the attention she gets, but she was just so nice to everyone that no one could hate her.  

Elizabeth was the only one that has ever been nice to me after the incident. The news of what happened to me and my parents had spread quickly among packs. I'd become the werewolf unable to shift that provoked the death of his own parents. Everyone seemed to hate me after that.

Elizabeth approached me and greeted me with the cutest smile ever. When she smiled at me, my heart skipped a beat. 

"I-I'm good... Th--thank you... Nice... day," I managed to stutter. 

She smiled again and kept walking as I mentally facepalmed. This huge crush on her made me act like a retarded at the worse times. It wasn't as if I stood a chance against the rest of the unmated male population in this school. They were all hoping to be her mate.

Some guys, mainly the popular kids, had tried to woo her already. She always rejected any advance from anyone. She said that she only wanted to ever be with her mate, and it would be disrespectful to other she-wolves to date any male-wolf as he might not be her real mate. Elizabeth preferred to avoid any conflict with other girls and boys.

In eighth grade, when all the guys' hormones had begun to kick in, they all had tried to get her. It was crazy and the girls did not even felt jealous of her. They pitied her situation. 

She'd made to make a public announcement to get rid of the increasing dating proposals. That was the main reason why the 'mean girls' and even the 'pack whores' did not hate her. The thing about popular guys is that they often do not wait for the "right girl." 

They just discreetly hoped to be her mate while dating other girls. Hilarious if you asked me. The bell brought me back from my thoughts and I rushed to class. The day was uneventful, all until the very last class.

I seated at the back of the class and I was the only one without a seatmate as in the rest of my classes. However, nothing could bother me during class, as I had a clear view of my crush seating at the front as usual. She was in most of my classes. 

Right now, she was happily chatting with the girl next to her. Her smile was different from the one she gave me this morning. The one from this morning had been more... real. 

Throughout the day each time that I see her smile, it just seemed off somehow. I shook my head. I must be daydreaming again. There was no way she would give a 'special smile' to someone like me, but what if... what if... it was a pity smile? Would she smile at me with pity?

"Elizabeth and... Isaiah..." I heard the overly excited literature teacher say. Her face dropped when she said my name. "Mmm... I am sorry Elizabeth. I may assign you another partner if you want to." 

Soon, almost all of our classmates volunteered to work with her.

"No-oh..." She said shaking her head. "I have no problem working with Isaiah. I would be happy to do so." She stood up and walked towards me. I realized that most of our classmates had changed seats and were doing some group work.

Do I have something on my face? Since she sat down beside me, she has been watching me with the tiniest smile that could easily go unnoticed. I wish I could say something but I did not know what to do.

Was she admiring me just now? No one has looked at me like that for a long time. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks. Great, now I blushed. She noticed and decided to say something. I could have never imagined what she was going to say, though.

"Mmm... Hi Isaiah, I am Elizabeth. I hope we can get along." Does she really think that I could possibly do not know who she is? Why was she so nice to me? I could not help but smile a little. "You do have a beautiful smile! I knew it!" she said with a wide smile of her own. It was not a pity smile like I was tempted to believe earlier.

Her actions surprised me and I jumped a little bit before breaking eye contact. Being so close to my lifelong crush just made me too nervous.

"Oh gosh, I'm making a fool of myself. Sorry. Please, don't think that I am crazy. I am going to shut up now." She lowered her head shyly. I had never seen her act like this, not even with her friends. She looked genuine and almost goofy. I like her better like this.

"Don't shut up. I like listening to you. I mean talking to you. I will try to talk to you too." I was a nervous wreck. I do not want to imagine what she must be thinking.

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