Sometimes Even Your Best Is Not Enough

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Isaiah's POV:

She got on the car on the passenger side and I waited for her to invite me in. There is no way I am getting in Mr. Wooldridge's car without explicit permission. He is as imposing as the rumors say.

"What are you waiting for? Get in, Isaiah." There is my explicit permission. I quietly got into the car.

"Nice to meet you my name is Hunter Wooldridge." He gave me his hand and I shaked it as firm as I could.

"I am Isaiah Harloff. Nice to meet you too." I did not dare to look him in the eyes. How can such a terrifying man create something as beautiful and delicate as Elizabeth?

Shortly Elizabeth began talking to me about every random thing. It seemed like she just wanted to make me talk. She would peek at me from the side of the seat and she looked adorable. I smiled at her gently. They dropped me off and I walked all the way to hell, I mean the pack house.

Elizabeth's POV:

I could not help but to stare at him in the rear mirror as he walked away from me. I spent the whole ride talking about the first thing that came up to my mind just to keep listening to his voice. I sighed and my dad gave me a knowingly look.

"Have you feel anything different towards anyone recently? Like an unexplainable attraction an a feeling of longing?"

"Dad, I know where I are going to with this. If you are going to give me the talk, I must let you know that Lincoln beat you up at it." He suddenly brought the car to a halt and let out a huge furious growl. I had to mindlink our concerned pack members to let them know that everything was ok.

"Is Lincoln your mate? Because help me God if he is. I have seen him change girls more often than pants. That guy does not deserve a mate."

"Dad, it is not like that! He gave me the talk because he realized that he was not my mate."

"Then, who is it..." I do not why, but I decided to avoid mentioning my suspicions about Isaiah being my mate. Until I can confirm it, I do not want to give in to feelings that may destroy me later. "No one dad, I just told him that I was feeling weird these days. Like more on edge and he thought that it may have something to do with my coming of age, so he told me about the forming of the bond, but then we did not feel anything different for each other so he must not be my mate." Is a half truth even a lie?

He did not seem convinced, but he managed to calm down somehow. He gave me the much needed talk in the way home. It was pretty much everything Lincoln said. He had forgotten to mention that the bonding process begins one month before the birthday and that as the bond becomes stronger, so do the weird feelings. Isaiah is an orphan. I wonder if he has someone to talk about these things?

Isaiah's POV:

I finished doing the chores and quickly locked myself in my room. I wish I could be as invisible as I am in school. Thankfully, today they did not hurt me with silver knives or the like so the wounds I received are already healing. I took a look of myself at the mirror. Pathetic. My torso and back are covered from scars produced by silver knives. At least the pack members are nice enough to never hurt my arms , legs, or face with them. I laugh at myself sarcastically and lay down in my small bed. I cover my face with my hands and let a few tears run down my cheeks. I am only happy with her. I miss her so much already. I wonder if I have been dreaming these two days.

The following day she greeted me excitedly in the hallway and put a smile on my face. We saw each other in most classes but we did not get a chance to talk until lunch. In lunch, I sat at my usual bench at the school yard. I never eat at the cafeteria because watching all those people happily chatting while ignoring my presence is not a nice feeling.

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