She Tried to Be My Friend and I Walked Away

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Elizabeth's POV:

Today I woke up with a killer headache. I barely got some sleep. When the devil's spawn sang its song of torture, I decided that my generosity has a limit. This one died like the ones before it. Yesterday, I concluded that I have had more drama this week than what I needed for the whole year, and it is only Thursday.

 I stood Isaiah up in the library. I am a bad group partner, I know. But I was a mess. My mask of perfection was cracking. I needed to let out my feelings. After I got home I slipped my sunglasses on, and let Fengari take control for the rest of the day. You know you are a mess when your wolf can keep it together better than you can. My mom cuddled with me in silence for awhile last night. I was sobbing the whole time remembering how he walked away from me. This should be enough to relieve my stress.

I got ready and put on nude makeup and my feeling good emergency clothes. I looked as good as new. I was ready to go. My dad still had not asked me anything, but I knew I would have to talk to him about it at some point.  

I said goodbye to my dad and kiss his cheek and went through my high school doors with the brightest smile I have. I am good today!

As soon as I entered, my smile faltered for a second. There he was. My no friend, in front of his locker like he was on Tuesday. I took a deep breath and plastered my trademark practiced smile. I had an apology to give.

Isaiah's POV:

"Isaiah, good morning." I heard the voice of my favorite person behind me, but she sounded different today. Also, she did not touch my shoulder to get my attention like last time. I shrugged the idea off. I must be imagining things.

I turned around with a smile in my face but it banished as soon as I saw her own smile. "Good morning Elizabeth. How are you?" She had the same smile he gives to everyone else. Missing was the smile she usually reserves just for me. 

"Just peachy. Isaiah. Thank you so much for asking. I hope you are doing well today. I wanted to apologize for missing our meeting yesterday. I am sorry I let you working in our project alone. Did you go to the library?"

"Yes I did." I flashed a genuine smile. Yesterday I stayed in the library and got a lot of work done. It will be so much easy for us now. "I did some work. We can go over everything in class or this Friday."

"Oh about that... Since you had to work all alone yesterday I think it is only fair that I work on the project alone this Friday. I would feel bad for forcing you to put on more work than I do on this." 

"Oh it is not a problem, really. I like to work with you. Even if you want to do more work by yourself, I could just stay behind to make you company. I like spending time with you." I said timidly, rubbing the back of my neck.

She arched an eyebrow and glared at me. This made me almost kneel to her. Now, I know how she relates to her father. Same imposing aura. This actions only lasted for a second, and her smile never wavered. She is definitely pissed off at me. She giggled but there was no happiness behind that giggle.

"Oh no, I insist. You do not need to worry about me. Enjoy your Friday. We will meet again next week. I do not want to make you spend more time with me than necessary. You clearly let me know where we stand yesterday. I am sorry for always causing you problems. You can share with me what you got done yesterday later in class. Have a nice day! Bye!" She quickly left before I could answer.

I felt like crying as her figure became smaller and smaller until I lost her in the crowd. 

"Hey, bruh!" A felt a hand on my shoulder and terror filled me. I turned back to face Lincoln. His face still looked like a painful mess.

I immediately lowered my head but he patted my shoulder. "Do not worry. I am not messing with you ever again. I hope we are cool?"

"If you are cool, I am cool Lincoln." I said just peeking above my glasses with my head still low. He then signaled Joshua and Samuel and they quickly dispersed the crowd. Soon enough the hallways were empty. 

"So, there is something I wanted to ask you. Can you help me out with that?"

"Yes. Of course. Whatever you want to know."

"Could you tell me if something happened between you and Elizabeth yesterday?" he asked casually.

"Mmmm... yesterday?" I recounted the events from yesterday and remembered the incident in the school yard. Elizabeth began acting weird after that. Could that be what he wants to know? "Well, yesterday Elizabeth was joking about something that was honestly impossible and I did not take her joke in the best way so I left." I saw him tense up, look away, and then relax.

"Oh, could you tell me what the joke was?" he put on a fake smile. Does everyone in this pack wear fake smiles all the time?

"Sure... She asked me to be her friend..." He looked at me wide-eyed and nodded at me to keep talking. I saw Joshua and Samuel exchange nervous looks. "She said that she has never had a real friend since she was a kid..." I shrugged looking at my feet. The atmosphere suddenly turned colder than before.

"Isaiah Harloff. You telling telling me that Elizabeth Wooldridge, my Elizabeth Wooldridge, asked YOU to be her friend and you walked away from her. Is that correct?" He closed and opened his fists repetitively.

"She was joking. I mean, she is friends with everyone here. Why would she say that she has no friends??" I said shocked.

"Please, excuse me for a second." I nodded at Lincoln as he walked away to the end of the hallway. When he reached the end of the hallway he began to repetitively punch the walk until he was breathless. Joshua and  Samuel remained unfazed. People tried to peek at the scene, but as soon as they saw Joshua and Samuel they ran away.

After he was done, Lincoln walked back to me and with low voice he said. "Ellie was not joking... She does not really have any close friends... Not even myself... I am sure that if you look at her." His face was now right in front of mine. "If you really pay attention to her and not to her facade, you will realize what you did yesterday." He and his friends walked away. "Now I understand why she was crying..." was the last thing I heard them say. As his words sank in me, I felt a pang in my heart. I quickly walked to the nearest restroom locking the door behind me. She was being honest. She tried to be my friend and I walked away. I hurt her. Before I realized I found myself crying. I missed my first class.

I spent the rest of the day trying to apologize to her, but she kept avoiding me. I really need to talk to her.

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