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8:00 am,

Today is Monday! Yay! Not... After fighting off the devil's spawn I decided to let it live one more day. I am a generous god like that. I got ready and put on my skinny jeans and a t-shirt, applied some light makeup and styled my hair before quickly getting breakfast. I went to the kitchen to thank the pack member that cooked today's breakfast.

"Emily! Thank you so much for the breakfast! It was delicious!" I said while pulling the twenty years old girl into a tight hug. 

I'm not especially close to her but I'm a proud natural hugger, at least when it comes to my pack members. I said goodbye to my mom and my dad drove me to school. My parents are my best friends, but being an Alpha my dad was always busy. This was our excuse to get some 'quality' time together. Sometimes we talked about pack matters, but we mainly talked about life.

"So, how's high school? Have you made any friend?"

"I have tons of friends. I seem to get along with everyone." I chuckled lightly.

"Yes, I know that everyone looks up to you and like you, but I mean like a real friend. You know, friends to share secrets and do girly stuff."

"I have you and mom for that." I crossed my arms defensively. Here comes the speech.

"I know dear, but you have never had a close friend, beside us. I get worried."

"It's not like I don't try, dad." I sigh. "But everytime that I try to get close to someone, I realize that they don't want to befriend the real me."

"What do you mean?" He turned to look at me momentarily.

"It's like all they want is that idealized version of me that everyone sees. They expect me to always be caring, happy and sweet. One sarcastic remark and they all stare at me like I grew a second head and ask me if I'm having a bad day."

My father just nodded, encouraging me to keep talking.

"Professors expect me to get perfect grades. When I get a B they look at me in disapproval. Heck, even the students look at me in disapproval, but when my classmates get a B they can literally jump off their desk and celebrate and my other classmates congratulate them. Even if I get an A, I can't express happiness because they see it as bragging. I also have to accept all the extracurricular activities they 'volunteer' me to. If I try to get away from them, they ask me if I'm having personal issues and refer me to the school counselor; Because, and I quote, 'that's highly unusual' for me and 'might be an early sign of depression' and 'as a future Alpha of the strongest pack, I have to take care of myself.' It's frustrating, dad."

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I know your title puts too much stress on your shoulders, but I still want you to try and be yourself more often. If you keep pushing yourself to maintain that perfect image, you'll crack at some point. Keeping all inside isn't healthy. Besides, I love your sarcastic remarks and your bad temper. It's cute." He pulled into the parking lot.

"Oh, please. What's there not to love here?" I joke while getting off the car.

"See! This is what I'm talking about. Be sassy and mean like you are with me and your mom."

"Oh shut up, dad." I gave him a peck on the cheek and closed the door. Telling the Alpha of the strongest pack in America to shut up would get any other wolf killed on the spot. This was a privilege only mom and I get to enjoy.

"You're doing great darling!" He gave me thumbs up as I walked away. 

I love my dad.

As I walked through the hallways I greeted everyone that I knew, which is pretty much, well, everyone. I walked by Isaiah; they call him the school loner and avoid him. I know what happened. He's unfairly mistreated. It must be so hard for him. 

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