Chapter 13

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Run. Run. Run.

It's all I'm doing.

I'm running away from something or someone but I don't know what or who it is.

It's black all around me and this hallway seems to be never ending.

Wait, there's a light to my right.

It maybe am exit.

Walking towards it it seems farther than I anticipated.

I started running again.

Someone's laughing. Who?

Run. Run. Run.

I'm getting closer to the light.

It's just a few feet away when I see someone standing underneath it. It's not an exit it's a spotlight.

Slowing down to a walk this person sees me coming. It's Cameron. He's all cut up and bloody.

"Jade!" ,he yells desperately, "he's coming"

Just as I was about to ask who I heard a gunshot from behind be.

I turned to see who was there but it was empty. When I turned back towards Cameron he was gone.

I started to walk again but my foot hit something.

I looked down to see Cameron dead at my feet. All life drained from his body.

I screamed.


"Jade! Jade wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see Cameron shaking me awake.

I could feel my face wet and sticky from tears.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I didn't answer. I just wrapped my arms around him and held on tight.

"Please don't leave" I choked out.

"I'm not going anywhere" he answered reassuringly.

~Cameron's P.O.V~

I kept hold of her till she calmed down.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

She just shook her head.

"Bad dream?"

She nodded.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I wasn't really expecting her to say anything. But she whispered so quietly I wasn't even sure if she'd said it:

"In my dream you died"

I could hear the strain in her voice.

"Relax. I'm right here" I reassured her.


We're driving back home right now and Jade seems to have calmed down from her nightmare. She's rocking her head to the music in the passenger seat, humming the tune and gazing out the window watching the trees roll by.

It's nice out here. Quiet. Calming. Just peaceful. The road is basically deserted and the only sound besides the music playing in the background and engine humming are the rare sounds of birds chirping above us.

Now we're driving up to the house. We've only been gone for a few days but it feels like forever. I'm happy we took that trip, she got to see a side of me that very few do.

Walking into the house my jaw dropped. Everything's destroyed and ruined.

Jade was behind me and had yet to see inside.

"You know what, it's a beautiful day lets go take a walk" I said as I tried to lead her out.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" she questioned as she moved around me into the house.

"What the hell happened in here?" I could here the disbelief in her voice.

I walked in beside her and turned on the light.

Now with everything illuminated you could really see how messed up everything was. Shattered, ripped, broken. Everything's ruined.

Now I wish we were back at the cabin.

(A/N: hey I'm sorry I haven't updated but things have just been so hectic at school lately with projects, tests, and exams coming up. I promise I'm gonna try harder to update. Just be patient with me.)

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