Chapter 8

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(Authors note: While writing Jades part in this I listened to the song "cry" by Alexx Calise. If you want to know how she's feeling/ what's going through her head at this moment listen to it.)

~Jade's P.O.V~

I'm done. I'm just done with everything. This is all just so stupid and pointless. I'm sitting here on my bed crying over a text my dad sent.


I was brushing my teeth. Cameron made me feel so safe last night and that feeling stuck with me. Suddenly my phone beeped indicating I had a text. Now I know what people mean by "I thought the world stopped and in that moment so did my heart".

I saw the caller ID said blocked number. There's only one person who I would've blocked.

"hey sweetie how are you. Oh never mind there's no need to tell me, see, I know that right now you're chatting with that nice fellow at the front door. He seems sweet. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to him...



Now I'm staring out the window waiting for Cameron to come back from work.

Please be ok. I thought.

How? How did he find me? How the fuck am I supposed to be fine now? How is anything supposed to be alright?

Looking towards my bedside table I thought something I haven't thought about for a long time.

*it'll make everything better. You'll feel better afterwords. The deeper you go the better you'll heal.*

Trying to shut out the voices in my head I started pacing around the room. I can't let them get to me. Even so, I still keep stealing glances back at the drawer. My escape was in there for a long time. For a long time it's been my only source of therapy. Screwed up, isn't it?

Giving in I slowly walked over to the bedside table. It's as though I'm not even controlling my actions anymore. All I do know is that I need this.


I see the blood start to peek through.


It feels so good.


I know it's wrong but I can't stop.


Red is staining the carpet. It's everywhere.

It's not enough through. Walking over to the medicine cabinet I grabbed some pills. I then walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some vodka out of the liquor cabinet.

I walked back to my room and laid back down on my bed.

* you'll feel better after this. You won't have to deal with all this pain anymore. It's not like Cameron can really make all this go away right?*


I swallowed the pill.


There goes another.

And another, and another, and another... And another.

I start to feel tired and drowsy.

I grabbed the vodka a took a huge chug.

Then the world went black.


~Cameron's P.O.V~

Unlocking the door I walked into the house and, as my usual routine, I walked up to Jade's room to make sure she was ok while I was gone.

She seemed at ease last night though, like she finally relaxed. Smiling I opened the door and my smile quickly fell replaced by fright.

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