Chapter 7

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~Jade's P.O.V.~

You know the saying "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present." Oh how about the one that goes "We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it."

Cute aren't they? Sweet, empowering, they make you feel as though the demons of your past are gone and won't ever hurt you again.

Perfect, calming, and just total... BULLSHIT.

I swear it's like just when I think things are going right and I start to relax I'm pulled back by chains. I'm always gonna be underwater when it comes to my past. I'm never gonna be able to escape.

I thought maybe, finally, I had a friend and I'm not gonna be alone anymore and I'll be safe now. But no. No, that's never going to happen. Not when he found me.


I thought I was done running and being afraid of my father but you know, as they say, "you can never escape the past. You can just learn to move forward." turns out though, my forward looks a lot like my past did.

Cameron isn't leaving my side cause he's so worried and I've never been more great full.

It's around midnight right now and my mind just can't seem to settle down. I keep thinking of the worst things that could happen and when I close my eyes trying to sleep I just see my fathers face. Oh and it's raining outside. As you can tell this night is just amazing (note my sarcasm).

Not being able to take it anymore I got out of bed and started making my way down to the living room. Maybe a little TV'll get me tired. On my way down I saw a faint light coming from the kitchen.

*hmm maybe Cameron left the light on*

Walking in I see him just sitting at the island staring out the window into the backyard. He seemed to be lost in thought and didn't notice me until a few seconds after I sat next to him.

"What are you doing up?" he asked me without looking up.

"I could ask you the same question" I retorted.

"It's late. You should go to bed" he said completely ignoring me.

"I'm not going up with you still here"

"Not tired"

Gosh are all boys this frustrating?

Sighing I realized I'm not getting anywhere with him.

"Look. I really don't want you to worry about me. Please? Come on, let's go to bed." Standing up and sticking my hand out for him to grab; he stared at it for a few seconds before finally giving in and with one final sigh he took my hand and we headed upstairs to bed.

We've been laying in the same position for a while now sleep not coming to either of us.

Cameron sighed and asked, "you know I care about you right?"

I admit that question kind of took me off guard but not for long.

"Of course" I answered.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you. When I first saw you you were broken and sad but then you started getting happy and then this. I just-"

"Hey" I cut him off. "Nothing bad is going to happen. I trust you. I also trust the fact that I'm happier here, with you, than I have been in a long time. Don't worry, don't be scared. Remember? You told me that everything will be alright. Now I just need you to believe it."

"What is is with us and sentimental speeches" he said suddenly.

I just laughed. He really is the greatest friend a girl could have.

~Cameron's P.O.V.~

It's weird. This feeling. I'm just looking at her here in the dark and I don't really know why, but hearing her day she trusts me just brings this whole new feeling. Just seeing her giggle makes me smile. I don't know, it's just new to me.

This is nice though. Being here with her, laying here and just talking. Everything innocent and nothing seemingly bad about to happen.

This is what I like about the night.

It's as though nothing can hurt you. Everything that you didn't do in the sunlight is ok now. It's as though you're free and infinite. It all just feels right.

And in this moment. Right here. Right now. Nothing seems more right. She really is the greatest friend a guy could have.

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