Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A bright light coming through the window woke me up. I look at my surroundings to see I'm not in my room.

"Morning sleeping beauty"

"Morning..." I realized I still don't know this guys name.

"Cameron" he said.


"Well I realized that I potentially saved you last night, you're sleeping in my bed, and yet we still don't know each others names so," he came over to me sticking his hand out "I'm Cameron"


"Now that that's out of the way. Do you wanna tell me what that was about last night?"

"Look thanks for your help and everything but I'm really not in the mood to share my life story with a stranger so I'm just gonna get out of your and go. But again, thank you"

As I was beginning to walk out the door I heard Cameron.

"Wait, you don't have to leave. I won't ask about personals but just don't leave"




Right now we were sitting on the floor eating pizza playing 20 questions and I hate to say it, I'm actually enjoying myself.

"Ok, ok my turn" he said excitedly

"Are you wearing contacts?"

Ok that was the strangest question I've ever received.

"What? No why?"

"It's just I've never seen anyone with blue eyes as vivid as yours. I thought they were contacts"

"Well I'm not. Ok now me... How did you find me last night?"

This question was running though my head for some time now. I mean, it's not everyday you meet some guy at a diner than a few hours later get saved by him from your abusive dad.

He also seemed to be taken aback by my forwardness but come on, you'd be wondering the same thing.

"Honestly? I followed you"

I'm pretty sure my expression showed STRANGER DANGER written all over it so he quickly continued

"Not in a creepy way though it's just, you seemed upset so I thought I'd go and find you to make sure you were ok"

"Thanks for that by the way"

"Your welcome"

*what are you doing? You can't let yourself get close to someone he'll just hurt you like all the others. Remember, you're worthless*

With that running through my mind I abruptly got up and stumbled a little in the process.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"I gotta go,um, thanks for letting me stay the night but I should leave now"

"No don't go. Please?"

I don't know what it was. The pleading look in his eye, the fact that he sounded so sincere, how I have nowhere to go, or how I just needed someone right now. Whatever the reason I ended up staying and I'm just hoping it doesn't end up biting me in the ass later on.

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