Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Can I just say that 24 hour diners are a gift from god. Well except for the weird people there...more like a gift from hell. Seriously there's this guy who's been staring at me since I got here, and that was hours ago.

"Any thing I can get you sweetie?" Said the waitress snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um, no thank you"

"Ok well if you need anything just ask"

And with that she turned around and walked away.

"Now, what's a girl like you doing in a place like this"

I looked up to see a (extremely hot I'm not gonna lie) guy standing in front of me

"Girl like me? What's that supposed to mean?" As you can tell I'm not very good at the whole "socializing" thing.

"Woah I didn't mean to offend you it's just that I've been watching you and you look upset and like you need a friend".

Ok, I admit that was kind of sweet. In a sort of creepy stalker kind of way.

"Look, I don't need your help and I definitely don't need your pity." And with that I walked away. He doesn't know me, I've never seen him before in my life. Guys don't genuinely care about me. And they sure as hell didn't start now.


"But please, I really need a flight out of here" I begged the lady behind the desk. I am currently at the airport and apparently, these people don't react so well to a girl who is bleeding, soaking wet, with clothes that are torn.

"I'm sorry I'd like to help you but you don't have the money for a flight. Why don't you go back home to your family dear?"

*So I guess I'm stuck here* I thought while walking over to a seat.

Ugh, this is so hopeless. I'm so damn hopeless.

"Well, fancy running into you here"

The voice sounded scarily familiar. I looked up to see my dad with a sinister smile on his face.

"Thought you could, what? Get on a plane, go to Neverland, and live happily ever after without a care in the world? Nice try kid your coming with me and if you ever try a stunt like this again I swear. Ill kill you"

Grabbing me by my arm he dragged me out of the airport and outside. Unfortunately for me the place was deserted which he defiantly took advantage of. Slapping me across the face with so much force I fell. He raised his hand again and I closed my eyes waiting for the impact I was about to face. I heard the sound of someone being hit, but it wasn't me.

Opening my eyes I saw the boy from the diner over my father's body. Grabbing me he pushed me into his car, got to the drivers side, and quickly sped down on the highway.

"Still don't need any of my help" he said before flooring it.

*Oh God let this be a dream* was the last thing I thought of before drifting into a deep sleep.

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