Chapter 3: The right crowd

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The first hour of banquets usually, according to Luna, consisted of one part boredom, two parts suffocation, and three parts pretentiousness.

The rest of the time was similar, but people were usually tipsy enough to act more casual.

Why did she have to be there though? She wasn't going to be involved with town business at any point, so why build a reputation or whatever the others were doing? If she wanted to meet friends, she could do that outside of stuffy rooms.

After pretending her constantly refilled glass of water was the most interesting thing she'd come across ever for half an hour or so she looked around to see if she could spot her father nearby.

"Look, there's the new family's son," Alicia leaned in and whispered to her, rudely interrupting the search, but Luna figured she'd humor her sort-of friend, and let her gaze wander to where she nodded. "What do you think?"

"Uh..." Luna eyed the boy she was looking at. Light-skinned, with dark hair about shoulder-length and blue eyes, not too far from hers, and smooth facial features. She had a feeling the classy outfit he was wearing was not just event-appropriate.

"I could probably beat him in a fight," she then said, and Lyra almost spit her drink. Luna, of course, knew what they wanted her to say, but she would not be robbed of the amusement.

"Well, he's... Easy enough on the eyes, I suppose," she then admitted, looking away the second their eyes met. "Why don't you go talk to him?"

Alicia snorted a little too loudly and nudged Lyra's shoulder.

"Yeah, and this one should be the next queen of Wypera."

"I wouldn't complain," Lyra pointed out. "I bet it would be fun."

"Being queen?" Luna asked, fidgeting with her bracelet in thought. She was rather certain Prince Eiven was already engaged, and unless Lyra could muster up a sinister plan to get rid of him after marrying one of his siblings the dream of being queen was very much just a dream.

Prince Eiven was also rather old compared to Lyra.

"A lot of stress I imagine," she said as her mind returned to reality, only to notice the other two had moved on from the royalty talk.

She moved around a bit where she sat. Either the dress was uncomfortable or she just had issues with sitting still, she was never sure which one was correct.

"It's nice to see more people moving here." Alicia let out an exaggerated sigh. "Feels like we've already met everyone our age, and no one's exactly what you'd want to mount on a wall."

"What? There are loads of us, aren't there?" Luna furrowed her brow. "What about the Benfords' son?"

"He's... A bit scary, in a way," Alicia said, and Luna's frown eased up to let the eyebrows be raised instead before moving on.


"Too childish."

"So it's just that no one's good enough?" Luna folded her arms, as if she was any better at not judging people.

Alicia shrugged.

"There are good enough people, just... Not here."

"Alexei?" Luna suggested.

"Alexei?" Alicia made a face. "He's not, you know, really my type."

Luna nodded. She wasn't sure Alicia was Alexei's type either.

"Why not go flirt with my brother then?"

Alicia and Lyra exchanged a glance.

"Noah's.... Nice, but he's..." Lyra seemed to look for words. "... He's, uh... Supposed to be town chief. And should marry someone better suited for that life."

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