Chapter 11 - Nervous

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Hey! Another chapter here :D enjoy! xxxxxxxxx


Hermione's POV

Hermione, Harry and Ginny were stood in a huddle in the Griffindor common room whilst Ron stood on the other side of the room doing up his case.

"Good luck Hermione" Harry whispered to her.

"Yeah good luck Mione" Ginny agreed.

"Thanks you two." Ron walked over and hugged her.

"I hope we can see you on Christmas day Hermione."  She smiled happily.

"Of course I'll try to visit you all for the day, and if I have the time I'll write to you to tell you how everything is." Ron held her hands and looked into her eyes. Hermione began to feel slightly awkward.

"Hermione can I tell you something?" She wondered what he could want to say.

"Sure what is it?" He looked nervously at his feet, then looked back into her eyes.


"Damn, it's 12:30pm!  We'll miss the train, sorry, come on Ron!" Ginny butted in before Ron could say anything. She grabbed Ron adn Harry before shouting over her shoulder. "Bye Hermione, see ya hopefully at Christmas!" Hermione giggled at her friend's untimely intrusion. What was Ron going to say before Ginny interrupted? She decided not to dwell on it and decided to try and find Snape. He said that they would leave today. She wandered down to the main hall and found Snape who shuffled over to her.

"I trust you have packed everything? I have a couple of things to do, but just bring your things down to my office and we'll leave." Hermione nodded and gulped nervously. "Nervous Ella?" He laughed.

"Just a little. The last time I saw him, he tried to kill me. And I suppose I'll have to get used to being called Ella now won't I?"

"To be fair, he didn't know you were Ella, only Hermione, and yes you will. Don't worry, It'll be fine."

"I suppose" she murmered. "I'll just finish packing then go down to your office Professor." He nodded then started to walk off before turning round.

"Oh and one more thing, call me Severus." He smiled warmly before walking off.

Hermione and Severus stood in his office. He waved his wand over the luggage and it dissapeard.

"Just sending it in advance, you ready?"

"Yeah of course." He offered her his arm and she gripped it tightly before they walked into the flame filled fireplace. Within seconds they walked out into Malfoy Manor. she looked round, immediately recognising it. 2Why are we at Malfoy Manor?" He looked down at her prising her arm off of his.

"Voldemort took control of it and it became the main meeting place. Since then, everyone just stays here. The Malfoys don't mind though." they walked up the large main staircase at the centre of the house. He sat her on a chair at the top. "Wait here, I'll go tell your father you're here." He put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "don't panic, it'll be fine." He walked away down a corridor. Hermione looked around at the manor. It wasn't as bad as she remembered it, but she was being torured up the last time she was here. She winced at the memory and hoped that Bellatrix wasn't going to be here. Light poured through the large windows, dark green and silver curtains hung o each side of the window. there were a few plants scattered around the room. In fact it looked quite homely. she smiled. This didn't seem to bad.

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