Chapter 14 - Bellatrix Lestrange

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Sorry for slow updates, please forgive me, I suddenly got this idea for a different story and started writing it down instead of focussing on this one, but don't worry, I'm back!

Also I'm going away for a lot of the holidays, but I'll try to write when I can xx

I love you all <3

Becca xxxxxx


Draco's POV

After taking a quick shower he hurried down to the dining room and sat next to Blaise and an empty seat, hoping that Ella would sit there. Pansey was sat opposite them and kept winking at him in -- what she thought was -- a seductive way, and even though it was jsut getting on his nerves he couldn't help but blush. Voldemort, who was sat at the end of the table in a hushed conversation with Snape, and his mother was quietly sipping a cup of tea. Blaise nudged him subtly and pointed his eyes towards the door. Draco turned his head and his mouth dropped open as Ella walked towards him. She must have seen his expression because she raised an eyebrow and attempted not to laugh. He smiled for a second, looking embarassed, then flashed herhis signature smirk. She rolled her eyes and sat down next to him. He saw Voldemort's eyes flicker over to her for a second, before he returned to his conversation with Snape. Ella jumped slightly when a house elf appeared beside her.

"Good morning mistress, Bungle wishes to know what you would like for your breakfast." He watched her think for a second then ask for some toast, telling the house elf not to call her mistress. When it disappeared he snickered and she turned to face him.

"What's so funny Draco?"

"I just love the way that you're so nice to the house elves." She smiled slightly at her.

"I was brought up to try and treat everyone the same," She sighed slightly. She must have thought about her 'parents.' "And I don't like feeling better than anyone." Pansey scoffed from the other side of the table and Draco shot her a warning look, which she responded to with a flirty wink. He chose to ignore it and decided to put his hand under the table and he entwinded his fingers with Ella's. As soon as their hands touched, a spark of electricity zapped through him and he shivered. He smiled at her, feeling happier than he had ever felt, and he stroked her hand softly. He felt how soft and silky her skin was, how every part of her made him dizzy with love and happiness. How could he have hated her? How much of a blind, influenced idiot had he been? His thoughts were interupted when Voldemort turned to talk to his mother.

"Narcissa, when is your sister due to arrive?"

"My Lord, Bellatrix arrived last night," He felt Ella tense up, but ignored it for a second. "I pressume that she is tired from her journey, but she should be joining us soon."

"Very good." His eyes rested on Ella and a concerned look crossed his face. Draco turned around and saaw that she looked very pale and her hand had turned freezing.

"Ella dear, what's wrong?" His mother asked kindly. Ella just shook her head and looked down.

"N...Nothing, I...I've just lost my appetite. Please excuse me for a moment." She got up quickly and left. Draco realised how empty his hand felt when she had gone.

"Is she ok?" Voldemort asked, sounding concerned.

"She probably just isn't feeling well my Lord." He still didn't look convinced. "She be fi..." Snape was suddenly cut off by a bloody curdling scream. Draco and the others all jumped up quickly and sprinted to where the scream had come from. He turned a corner and his blood turned to ice and his heart stopped when he saw Ella sprawled out on the floor, unconcious. Bellatrix was standing over her with her wand out.

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