Chapter 6 - Nightmares

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Sorry for the really long update, don't hate me, I have lots of exams and revision things, and my sister hogs the laptop a lot, so I apologise!


Hermione's POV

Hermione stood in a room that she didn't recognise and immediately knew she was dreaming. She seemed to be in an orphanage. A young boy was sat in his room by himself, before an old man entered, Hermione recognising him as Professor Dumbledore. The image faded before coming up on the boy at hogwarts being sorted into Slytherin, before fading and coming up on him getting married. Hermione smiled happily, then suddenly a cold wind chilled her right to the bone and the imge faded. She had a bad feeling about the rest. The image came up on a woman with curly brown hair similar to her own. She was sat across the room on the edge of a very elegant, greeen and silver, four poster bed. She had her head in her hands. Suddenly  female house elf appeared.

"Mistress, are you ok? Mungo has come to inform you that Master returns soon. Will you tell him of the child?" The woman lifted up her head, and Hermione saw that her face was wet with tears, and her large stomch showed that she was due any day.

"Oh Mungo, how can he just leave me here for months, then just suddenly come back without contacting me at all?! I have no idea how he will react to the baby, but I'm going to tell him!" Suddenly the image faded and was replaced by a family image. The woman was holding a newwborn baby, with her husband smiling down. Hermione wondered why they seemed so familiar. The image faded again. The next one brought tears to her eyes. The man and woman were crying over the crib and the baby was no where to be found, and the window was wide open. The scene faded and another one appeared. The man was crying over the woman's body, which was lying on the double bed. The doctor tells him that she had died of grief sue to losing her only child. one the doctor had apparated from the room, the man screamed. He threw things across the room, broke things, puched things. She saw that his gentle hazel eyes had turned to blood red with anger and fury. She jumped as thunder crashed outside. This man must be powerful if the weather changed due to his mood. She walked backwards trying to get away from the horrid scene, but walked into a table, accidently pushing a case off the table making it fall to the floor with a smash. She felt puzzled, this was just a dream...right? She snapped her head upwards as he looked at her, his eyes burning into hers. She screamed when she realised who it was. It was Voldemort.

Voldemort's POV

Voldemort returned from meeting up with his closest and most faithful companions to find that his wife was pregnant. He hugged her tightly.

"I'm overjoyed, I can't believe my luck. My beautiful Sophia and I are going to have a little baby girl!" They hugged and smiled, looking into each others eyes. As soon as she had told him the news, he vowed that he would protect her until his last breath, and anyone that hurt her would pay!

1 week later

He looked down at the beautiful newborn baby in Sophia's arms and smiled.

"What should we name her?" Sophia looked up at her husband.

"I want her middle name to be Sophia. So she'll always remind me of you." He smiled down at her before planting  light kiss on her forehead.

"Ok, I like the name Ella. Ella Sophia Riddle."

"Beautiful" he whispered. He looked down at his precious Ella. She has his soft brown eyes and her mother's light brown hair, even if there wasn't that much of it at the moment. She was the perfect baby.

5 months later

Ella gurgled happily as he set her down in her crib. He waved his wand and some quiet soothing music started playing. He sat there staring at her until she fell asleep before turning the light off and leaving the room.


"What the hell was that?!" He looked into Sophia's frightened eyes and reassured her that everything was ok. He jumped up, grabbing his wand and crept into Ella's room before realising what had happened.

"ELLA? ELLA WHERE ARE YOU?! ELLA?!?!" His eyes scanned the room quickly, hoping that she had just moved to another part of the room. His wife rushed in and screamed at the sight. She fell on her knees and cried into her hands.

"Where's Ella? Where's my baby???" He hugged her and she sobbed into his chest, utterly devastated. He would kill whoever did this.

3 weeks later

" I'm very sorry Mr Riddle, but she is very weak. She's not going to make it..."

"No......NO!!!! GET OUT!!!" The doctor backed away before dissaparating. He screamed and shouted, he kicked things and puched things, anger raging through him more than ever before. Suddenly a vase smashed to the groundon the other side of the room. He looked up suddenly and looked into the eyes of Sophia. Then he realised that it wsn't her. This girl had his eyes and her hair. Who was she...?

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