Chapter 9 - Talking to Snape

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Hermione's POV

Hermiuone sat in her bed on Saturday morning during breakfast. She didn't feel that hungry. She slid under the duvet covers, not wanting to get up. Suddenly the covers were flung off of the bed and Hermione saw Ginny grinning down at her.

"Seriously Gin? I want a lie-in! It's Saturday!"

"You're missing breakfast Mione, I thought something had happened to you..." she looked down with worry in her eyes.

"Don't worry I'm fine, I'm just thinking." Ginny sat on the bed.

"About what Dumbledore said?" Hermione nodded slowly. "I know someone you could talk to about this." Hermione's head snapped up.

"What? Who?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She stared blankly at Ginny. "Who is the professor that has the most knowledge about Voldemort?" Suddenly her brain clicked.


Hermione stood in front of the door nervously before raising her hand and knocking on the door. there was a long pause before snape emerged wearing his usual, joyless, dark, black robes. he sighed.

"what do you want Miss Granger?" His dull, soulless voice sounded bored as usual.

"Err....I need to talk to you about something." Snape rolled his eyes.

"Can you not wait until Monday to do work Miss Granger, or do you find yourself incapable of having a social life? Why are you coming to me on a Saturday morning? Do you not realise that it is the weekend?" Hermione shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another.

"Actually, I came to talk to you about Tom Riddle." Snape's mouth dropped open in surprise and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out. Hermione would normally have giggled at the priceless look on Snape's face, but she just wanted information. He let her in and they walked silently down the long spiral staircase to his office. He sat down behind his desk and motions to her to sit down on the opposite side. She nervously takes a seat.

"Miss Granger, would you be so kind as to tell me why you would like to know about....him?" Hermione studied him, and she could tell that her already knew the answer.

"You already know, don't you?" She said quietly.

"I guess that Dumbledore told you about your....parents...." his voice was no longer snide, more caring. She had never seen him like this before.

"Yes, I just wanted to know, what were they like?" Snape sat back in his seat and sighed loudly, clearing his throat before speaking again.

"Well your mother was very smart and caring witch who put the thoughts and feelings of others before herself. She ws sorted into Griffindor, much like yourself, but fell in love with Tom when he saved her from dementors. She was a hard worker and a confident woman when fced with problems. She cared for her friends and family and captured the hearts of many people with her kindness. Your father on the other hand was a fun loving, rebelious maniac" he chuckled to himself, "and loved talking back to the teacher and exploring things. but he had one hell of a temper if you pissed him off. He was also very loyal to his closest friends." Hermione smiled

"I think I take more after my mother."

"Yes you look a lot like her, but you have your father's eyes." She giggled and blushed.

"Thanks, you're not as bad as I thought Professor," he smiled. Not the kind of horrible, snide smile,but a nice one, "but if you knew this, why didn't you tell me? And why were you always so horrible to me?"

"Dumbledore instructed me to keep quiet, and not to tell you anything about your parents until you came to me to ask me. When I told your father, he was overjoyed, but I advised him not to contact you about it until you were 17, so you were old enough to understand and accept it. And if I had been nice to you, you would have suspected something because I am the head od Slytherin, and you are in Griffindor."

"Wait, so Dumbledore told you not to tell me?" Hermione stood up angrily. " All this time I could have known, but he kept it from me?! Did he think I would take this well?? Lets take HIM from everyone he loves and see how HE feels!!" She suddenly stopped and sat back down. She saw Snape frowning at her.

"I've noticed that you have your father's short temper. It was quite obvious though when you punched Mr Malfoy in the face." Hermione looked down.

"Oh my god, I didn't mean it, I just got sick of him callin me a mudblood....I guess it has no meaning now...."

"I guess not. Would you, like to meet your father? I mean, we break up for Christmas tomorrow. You could come with me if you like?"

Hermione looked up at Snape. The only teacher that she had despised, the one teacher who had picked on her for being an 'insufferable know it all' for 7 years, was now offering to take her to meet her parents.

"Sure, ok, thanks. At least I'll know SOMEONE there. It'll be nice to have a friendly face there to reassure me. Anyway, I'm feeling quite hingry now, I need to go and eat my breakfast." He nodded before standing up and letting her go.

"See you tomorrow then Princess." Hermione spun round.

"What do you mean 'Princess'?"

"i guess Dumbledore didn't tell you that bit then. Your father is the prince of Darkness, so that makes you the Princess pf Darkness..." She noded slowly, her head spinning from the mass of information she had recieved, before turning round and leaving.

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