Chapter 15 - Christmas

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Hey, another upload as promised :)

I have dedicated thi chapter to AndyKonige because she has constantly supported me and I thank you so much for that :) <3



Ella's POV

"Ready?" Severus asked her. She was apparating with him to the burrow.

"Yep." She said simply. She waved her wand and her bag of clothes for a one night stay and bag of presents, that she had brought for her friends, disappeared.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Draco appeared in the doorway and smiled at her. Severus looked at her and she nodded, then he walked away.

"I'll be outside Ella." He said then he left, closing the door behind him. Draco pulled a box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a beautiful necklace. It was a lion with a black gem on it, and she gasped.

"Draco," she breathed. "It's gorgeous."

"There's more." He slipped the necklace around her neck and suddenly the black gem turned to a beautiful pink colour. "The gem changes colour depending on your mood, and I connected it to my ring," he showed her the ring on his finger. It was a snake, and the gems in the snake's eyes were pink. "So I always know your mood." Her eyes widened.

"Oh Draco, this is perfect! How can I ever repay you?" He moved to face her and brought his face close to hers.

"Will you be my girlfriend Ella?" He asked. She smiled and kissed him lightly.

"Of course!" sHe threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"If you've quite finished this soppy scene, I thought you wanted to see your friends Miss Riddle." They jumped apart and saw Severus smirking at them, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"What happened to waiting outside?" She asked.

"Got bored."

"And my love life is entertaining to you? We need to get you a new hobby," she said cheekily. He simply rolled his eyers and held out his arm. "See you tomorrow Draco." She took his arm and immidiately felt the familiar sensation of being squeased though millions of tiny tubes as they apparated. They landed suddenly with a thud and Ella almost topled over, but Severus steadied her.

"I thought you were used to apparating?"

"I haven't done it in a while," she gasped. "Thank you for bringing me here." He smiled.

"No problem. This is where I leave you. I'll pick you up sometime tomorrow." and with that he left, and she knocked on the door. Seconds later it was opened by a plump, cheerful looking woman that Ella knew was Mrs Weasley.

Oh Hermione dear, it's lovely to see you. Merry Christmas. Come in."

"Merry Christmas Mrs Weasley." Mrs Weasley ushered her in and Ella smiled as she entered to usual messy Weasley household. She had spent many holidays here since meeting Harry and Ron on the train in their first year, and it felt like a second home to her. As soon as she walked into the living room, she was bombarded with hugs from Ginny, Harry and Ron. She hugged them back, laughing happily. She was glad to have such great friends that cared about her. When she was finally released fromm their grip, she sat down on the floor by the brightly lit Christmas tree. She looked round at everyone that was there. She saw that Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Remus, Tonks, Mr Weasley, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Fred and George were there as well, celebrating.

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