Chapter 25 - Death of Voldemort!

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Ella's POV

Ella opened her eyes and sat up suddenly. She looked around worriedly at her new surroundings. It was a bright, white room with a sofa, a table, a couple of chairs, a fireplace and a large wooden bookcase. This was definitely not Hogwarts. She then recalled the previous moment before she opened her eyes, the green flash, the sensation of falling through the air, the pain. She was dead.

"Ella," She spun around on the spot suddenly, coming face to face with no other than her mother.

"Mum...?" Her voice broke slightly as she wrapped her arms around the woman in front of her. "I'm dead, aren't I?" Ella asked quietly when she pulled away. Sophia sighed and sat down on the sofa, patting the space beside her so Ella would sit down.

"Not quite."

"What do you mean 'not quite'?" Sophia was silent for a couple of moments, as if pondering how to tell her daughter something.

"You were not supposed to die there in the courtyard at the hand of Voldemort. You cast yourself in front of the person you loved to save them from the blast. People who generally have this happen to them, so not return, but there is powerful, magical blood running through your veins. Somehow, you have managed to find some sort of...loophole around this."

"I found a loophole around death? Is that even possible?"

"For very few people, yes. You are kind, selfless and were willing to die to save your true love. The perfect criteria." The silence that followed was deafening, before yet again her mother spoke. "You have a choice now; to move on and watch as a new future unfolds for the people you love, or return and live out your life as you were supposed to."

"I want to return." Ella spoke immediately without hesitation. "There are people that need my help. Especially Draco." Her mother smiled proudly at her.

"Draco is perfect for you, and you have helped him see the light . I'm so proud of you for everything that you've done, and once your father has been killed you will no longer have to live in fear." a sad look crossed her face.

"You miss how he used to be, don't you?"

"Yes, and when he dies he will join me as Tom, not Voldemort. I have to go now. Don't forget me. I love you Ella." Her mother started to fade before disappearing completely. Ella opened her eyes once again to the devistating sight of Hogwarts. She was laying in the courtyard, and despite the fact that she had just died moment before, she was feeling full of energy. Draco was crying bitterly to the side of her and he was the only one there. Everyone else had gone to battle Deatheaters, leaving it completely empty.

"Draco..." his head shot up at once and he stared at her, wide eyed and open mouthed.'re alive!" He jumped forwards, almost knocking her over with the force of his hug. "How are you alive? I saw you get the blast."

"I spoke to my mum. I was allowed to return because I wasn't supposed to die then." Draco cocked his head to one side.

"What? How does that work?" Ella shrugged. "I'm just glad you're alive. Why did you have to stand in front of me you silly, SILLY girl." He held her close to him as if she was about to drift off like a balloon.

"I'm still alive you idiot. You're not getting rid of me that easily." He chuckled but was suddenly interrupted as a cloud of black smoke hurtled over their heads and landed in the centre of the courtyard. It broke off into two pieces and Ella realised that it was two people. Harry and Voldemort.

"Harry's alive!" She exclaimed. Draco quickly explained what had happened after she had 'died'. They watched as the two wizards in front of them scrambled towards their wands before connecting them in a powerful battle to the death. Harry's red beam inched closer and closer towards Voldemort who was desperately trying to control his green beam, until Voldemort pulled away, a pained look on his face. At the same moment, a weak burst of pain came from her locket before disappearing altogether. The snake was dead. "HARRY!!" She called to him. THe look of shock on both of their faces were priceless. "The snake's dead! You can do this!!" Harry immedately turne and threw everything he had into his spell as it met with Voldemort's. Within seconds Harry's red beam was inching towards voldemort before it his his wand, making it fly up into the air and land safely in Harry's hand. Her father gasped before flakes of him fleww off and into the sky until he had completely disappeared. Ella jumped towards him and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug. "You did it! We're finally free!!"

They made their way back to the great hall where everyone was relaxing and resting up after the massive battle they had just fought. Thankful smiles were directed at the three of them, but those who had been present at Ella's death sent them confused stares. Filch was busy attempting to clean up the mess using a muggle broom and they couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Ron walked in through the main door, grinning as he advanced on them. Before he could say anything however, Professor McGonagall walkked over, Ella in her sights.

"Miss Evergreen. Correct me if I'm wrong but-"

"Yes you saw right Professor. My father did kill me." There was no look of shock on McGonagall's face.

"I know Miss Evergreen."

"My mum told me that because I wasn't supposed to die then, and I had powerful blood, I was able to come back." McGonagall said nothing, instead she tapped Ella's locket with her wand, causing it to come off and fall into the Professor's outstretched hand. She then wordlessly analysed the locket before smiling.

"Yes. She would tell you that, but I'm afraid that that is not the case."

"What do you mean Professor? Do you mean that her mum lied to her?" Draco intervened.

"It is partly true. You see, you DO have very powerful blood running through your veins, but blood itself is not able to bring someone back from the dead. Mr Potter was able to return due to the Horcrux that resided inside of him. However you, you had this locket." Ella took it from McGonagall, holding it close to her.

"What about it?"

"It seems that because this locket connected you to Voldemort, whilst he was alive you couldn't die." The four students' mouths formed 'O' shapes. "Now that he's dead this locket is just a normal one."

"You're free Ella..." Draco kissed her on the cheek as she grinned happily before putting the locket back around her neck. The three original friends ade their way out alone to the bridge where Harry stood, looking over the edge at the grey cloud of mist before him. He still held the Elder Wand.

"Why didn't it work for him? The Elder Wand?" Ella asked.

"It answered to somebody else. When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his. But the thing is, the wand never belonged to Snape. It was Draco that disarmed Dumbledore that night in the astronomy tower. From that moment on, the wand answered to him. Until...the other night when I disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor." 

"So that means..." Ron started. 

"It's mine." Harry twiddled the wand around in his hands. 

"What should we do with it?" Ron asked. 

"WE?" Ella challenged. 

"I'm just saying, that's the Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the world. With that, we'd be invincible." Harry looked at it for a few moments before snapping the wand in half and throwing the pieces off the edge of the bridge. They all turned, Ella taking both boys' hands as they looked into the distance. Everything was good. They had nothing to worry about anymore. 


Sorry it was short, the story is winding down now, only the Epilogue left to go :o

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