Chapter Twenty-Four

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Kate ran through a forest, trying to get away from the creature that followed close behind her.

She turned around and shot at it but missed so she tried shooting again but had run out of bullets.

"Dammit!!" Kate shouted.

She put her gun away and kept running as fast as she could until she was knocked into a tree.


5 Hours Earlier...

"This is so boring. We haven't found anything. What if this road or whatever isn't actually haunted? What if all of these people who died, were just murdered?" Kate asked.

"Because they all died freakishly weird deaths, Kate. That's why." Kaya said. Kate rolled her eyes at Kaya.

"She's not wrong. I'm pretty sure that people don't just get hit by cars in the same spot at the same time whenever people drive through and stop to take a piss." Sam told her and Kate sighed, leaning back.

"Whatever. I think I'm going to get a coffee. I'll be back in a bit." Kate said before she got up and walked out of the motel room. Sam sighed and looked at Kaya.

"It's her time of the month." Kaya shrugged.

"Uh, T-M-I." Sam said, awkwardly.

"Oh come on, Sam. She's your girlfriend. Get her chocolate and give her your sweatshirt and you're golden." Kaya smiled and Sam chuckled, shaking his head.

"Sammy, you better believe it. I had to find out the hard way. I had no idea that chicks dig sweatshirts so much, if I had, I probably would've been with ten times more chicks than I have in my life." Dean said, chuckling, then he looked over and saw Kaya's unimpressed expression. Dean cleared his throat and went back to researching.

Charlie walked in and threw his car keys on one of the beds with a sigh. Kaya looked over to him.

"Hey. Find anything?" Kaya asked him, putting her book down.

"Not really. I have no idea what killed those people or why it's started back up. Doesn't make any sense. Did you guys find anything?" Charlie asked them.

"We've got zilch. Nada. Nothing." Dean said in annoyance.

"Huh. Got it." Charlie nodded. "Where's Kate?"

"Getting coffee. She's being an anti-social lazy ass," Kaya said and Charlie chuckled at her. "Anyways. So you guys know what this means right?" Kaya looked to the three men in the room.

"Uh, no?" Dean said, confused.

"This means that we need to go investigate the spot at the same exact time that all of those other people died." Kaya replied.

"Tonight?" Sam asked and she nodded.

"Gear up, boys. Time for some hunting. But in the mean time, I say we go check it out now, see if we can find anything." Kaya replied. The boys nodded to her.

"Alright, let's go." Charlie said.


"Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary." Dean said.

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