Chapter Ten

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Kaya and Dean walked up to the witness' house.

"So, what's this kids name again?" Dean asked her.

"Uh, Peter Millard. He's sixteen. Doesn't have many friends and doesn't have a girlfriend. Kind of a loner." Kaya said.

"Okay.. more information than I needed." Dean said and Kaya shrugged.

"The more you know, the better." Kaya replied. Dean made a face and nodded.

Dean knocked on the door and a women answered.

"Hi, Mrs. Millard. I'm Agent Carter and this is Agent Leonard." Kaya said and they flashed their badges at her.

"Okay. Um the police already questioned my son. Why are you here?" She asked them.

"We're here following up on those questions." Kaya replied.

"Oh okay. Well he's just in his room right now. I can go and get him real quick if you want to come inside." She said and Kaya nodded.

"That'd be great. Thank you, Mrs. Millard." Kaya smiled at her.

"You can just call me Catherine." Catherine said.

"You got it." Kaya said.

Catherine went to get her son while Kaya and Dean just sat in the living room.

"Do you really think that a werewolf would just run away instead of killing the next person they see?" Kaya asked.

"Well, they do sometimes just so they don't get caught. They like to stay hidden." Dean said.

"Yeah, that's true." Kaya nodded.

Catherine came back into the room with Peter.

"Can I get you guys anything? Coffee or tea?" Catherine asked.

"Coffee would be great. Thank you." Kaya smiled at her before she walked off.

"So! Peter, right?" Dean asked and he nodded.

"Yeah." Peter nodded.

"What can you tell us about that night?" Dean asked him, leaning forward.

"The same thing I told the police. This person was some kind of thing.. animal. Their eyes changed and they had sharp teeth and their fingernails were like claws," Peter said, nervously. "I've never seen anything like that."

"Hm. Anything else you can tell us? Which direction did this person go when they ran off?" Dean asked him.

"Um. He ran left." Peter shrugged.

"Left?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Left." Peter repeated.

"Okay. Left." Dean nodded and sighed, looking to Kaya.


"Okay, so this is where the werewolf killed that guy. So Peter would have been standing here, facing this way." Kaya said.

"That means that the werewolf had to run passed him if it went left. Why didn't it just kill him?" Dean asked, Kaya shrugged.

"Don't know. Let's find out what's left though. Maybe there's something we're missing." Kaya said.

"Yeah. You go ahead. I'm gonna check on Sam and Kate." Dean said.

"Alright. I'll see you in a few." Kaya said and walked off.

Dean took out his phone and called Sam.

Sam picked up after looking to his phone to see who was calling.

"Dean?" Sam asked.

"Hey. How's the hunt going?" Dean asked.

"Not bad. We think we know who the spirit is." Sam said.

"That's good. Just.. keep a close eye on, Kate. Alright?" Dean asked him.

"Yeah. Of course. Why? Is something wrong? Did something happen?" Sam asked him, worriedly.

"No. I just.. I'm looking out for Kate.. you know, for Kaya." Dean said and cleared his throat. Sam chuckled at Dean.

"Ha. I get it. You like her, huh?" Sam asked him.

"What? No! Don't be ridiculous, Sammy." Dean shook his head.

"Okay, Dean. Whatever you say." Sam chuckled.

"I gotta go meet up with Kaya. I'll talk to you later." Dean said and hung up, sighing.

Dean walked down the street until he came to the end of it, finding Kaya looking at a forest.

"Find something?" Dean asked.

"He said he ran left. Probably into the forest. Right?" Kaya asked him.

"I mean, I guess so." Dean said.

Kaya started walking off into the forest and Dean quickly followed her.

"Hey, hold on. We need a game plan or something. We can't just go in there empty handed." Dean said, holding her back.

"I just wanna check it out. You can either come or stay here." Kaya told him and he sighed.

"Well, I'm not letting you go off alone and do something stupid so I'm coming too." Dean said and Kaya rolled her eyes at him before she kept walking.

Kaya kept walking until she could smell the stench of a rotting body. She cringed at the smell and covered her face. She walked to where it was coming from and found a dead deer. Dean came over and looked at it with her.

"Look. It's heart was ripped out." Kaya pointed to the giant hole in its chest.

They walked away from it to talk more without the smell bothering them.

"Well, we're definitely on the right track but why would it kill a person and then immediately kill an animal right after?" Dean asked, curiously.

"That's what we're here to find out." Kaya said.

They kept walking until they found an abandoned building.

"Look at that. I'm just gonna assume now that there's probably a werewolf in there." Kaya said.

"It's pretty big. There could be more than one. We need to be prepared for this and we're probably gonna need Sam and Kate for this one too." Dean said.

"Yeah. Let's go back and call them." Kaya said and started to walk away when she was suddenly knocked out by someone along with Dean.


Kaya woke up handcuffed to a bed. She tried to get out of it but she couldn't. She heard someone walk up to them and when she looked up, she saw someone she least expected to see.

"Kayla." Kaya said.

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