CHAPTER 17 "Heartbroken."

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CHAPTER 17 "Heartbroken."

"Baby, wake up.." Justin's voice whispered in my ear as I flicked my eyes open, peering up at him through my lashes.

I stretched my body as I yawned and looked around in the familiar room, Justin's room. "Hey.." He whispered and stroke my hair.

"For how long have I been sleeping?" I asked.

"One hour, something like that." Justin said and looked at the clock on the table beside the bed.

"I have to go." I rasped and sat up. I thought of the conversation I had with Drake and at this moment I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I pulled away the blanket as I put on a pair of sweatpants from Justin's drawers and a loose t-shirt, hurrying as much as possible. Justin sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me in confusion.

"Why so hurry?" He said with a laugh.

"I can't stay." I sobbed as I could feel Justin's eyes burn in my neck. He sensed something was wrong.

"Babe, what is it?" Justin asked concerned and stood up.

"Don't call me babe!" I hissed and grabbed my dress in a angry move.

"What? Paula, what the hell is wrong?" He said with his falsetto voice but I ignored him and kept packing my things. "Where are you going? Paula talk to me!" Justin hissed with a carrying voice as he grabbed my arm.

I felt my stomach crunch as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Okay question! Where were you after you left my school?" I asked angrily, trying to contain my tears.

"I told you, we-"

"Don't tell me you were doing business with the guys because I know you weren't!" I barked and snatched to get my arm back as I ran down the stairs.

"Paula! Stop!" He yelled from behind, running down the stairs. "Just let me explain!"

"Don't. I don't want to hear a stupid excuse!" I cried. The guys stared at me and Justin, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Don't be like this, please." Justin said with a sad voice.

"Bye, Justin." I mumbled, sobbing, as I opened the door to leave but got stopped by a known face. I dried my tears and tried to picture the face.

Long dark hair, a lot of make up, super sexy dressed and Loboutines. She leaned on one leg and pouted out with her ass and smirked with the corner of her mouth. It was Sofia, the girl who came to me at school.

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked surprised trying to not show her that I was upset and had been crying.

"I didn't." She grinned and cocked her head to the side, checking me head to toe. "I'm not here for you." She said and looked behind me. "I'm here for him." Sofia rasped as I turned around, speechless, to face Justin with wide eyes.

"You forgot this at my house, sweetie." She said and held up Justin's phone.

My mouth hung open as I stared at the phone, feeling my stomach crunch and my head wanting to explode. "Why is she having your phone, Justin?" I sobbed, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Paula, take a deep-"

"WHY is she having your phone, Justin?!" I barked not capable of more lies.

Justin stood still, not moving a single bone in his body as he shook his head not knowing what to say. One part of me wanted to hear an explanation, the truth. But the other part didn't want to hear anything, just get out of there. I turned back to Sofia who was grinning the hole time, totally enjoying the moment.

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