CHAPTER 5. "Don't think Bieber will come and save you this time."

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I took of my jacket and threw it on a chair. I put the heels on one of the hundreds shelfs in my walk in closet. I undressed myself and walked in to the bathroom. I needed to take a shower. I let the hot water pour over my naked body and wash away the dirt. I wasn't dirty, I just felt dirty.

I couldn't believe what Justin said to me in the car. He was perfectly fine before, he stroked my hair, he held my hand and then he just turned to a monster. Heartless, careless, like he didn't had any feelings. I turned of the water and wrapped a towel round my torso. I stepped out of the shower and walked in to my walk in. I put on a pair of true religion jeans and a white sweater from Ralph Lauren.

"Paula, can you come down for a minute?" Mom yelled from downstairs. Without saying anything I opened my door and walked downstairs.

"Your dad and I are very disappointed on you." Mom looked at me with sad eyes.

"We can't let you go to parties if you can't contact us and instead, you come home the next morning." She said.

"And we don't lie to each other, Paula. And if you can't tell us the truth you won't cross that door." Dad said angrily and pointed towards the front door.

"Are you grounding me?" I looked with worried eyes. "You can't be serious? I'm seventeen, I'm supposed to go out!" I yelled.

"This has gone too far and we can't trust you. " dad said.

My mouth fell open.

"And what about Mika and Elsa? Can't I go out with them?" I said desperate.

"No. You can only go to school, and after you'll come home immediately." He looked at me with stone face.

Knowing that arguing with him wouldn't make it any better, I turned on my heels and walked up to my room. I slammed the door shut behind me and sat down on my chair. I opened my laptop and took a strand of hair behind my ear.

I clicked on my mailbox and "write new message".

"I'm grounded. I can't go out, just for school." Sending it to Mika and Elsa.

"Why?" Elsa typed back two seconds later.

"You know my dad. It's just a silly thing."

"4 how long?" Mika typed.

"Don't know."

"Poor you. See you at school then?" Mika typed again.

"Yeah. Bye."

Closing down my MacBook I looked out through the window. A white blanket covered streets, cars and trees. It was beautiful. The kids playing in the snow and making angeles on the ground. One week left for Christmas. I stood up and walked over to my bed. What was I going to do the rest of the Sunday? This was so boring. I could be out and go Christmas shopping now when the sale has started. But instead, I was trapped in this room because of Justin.


"Beep, beep, beep" the alarm clock woke me up. I turned it off and looked around. I had my clothes on from yesterday. I must had fell asleep and slept the hole day. I sat up slowly and caressed my hair. I was so confused. I put on my ash black leather boots and grabbed my coat. I put down my books in my mulberry bag and make sure I had my phone. I opened the door and rushed down the stairs.

"God morning." Das hawked.

"Morning. I'm just getting something to eat very fast and then drive to school, I'm pretty stressed." I said and took a banana in my hand.

"Okay, bye. And come home after you finished class!" He shouted in the second before I closed the door. I ran down the pathway and jumped into my car. Turning the car alive I scaled my banana and ate it.

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