Stallions Heart

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Rhaella POV
I was so nervous for the heart ceremony that I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Taking a deep breath  I looked at Irri and she gave me an encouraging smile telling me that everything was going to be okay.

Once I was ready I met Drogo outside our tent and he walked with me to the meeting tent we went to the day before and led me inside helping me onto the platform that stood in the middle of the tent.

Drogo leaving me he left and came back a few minutes later with a large Stallions heart in his hand. Holding my hands out Drogo put the heart in my hands and took his seat at the head of the tent.

I took one last deep breath before taking a large bite into the heart. As I began to eat the Dosh Khaleen were chanting.

"I see them. A prince and a princess. Strong, wise and fair they both share. Leaders like their parents they are and swift in battle."

The Dosh Khaleen chanted as I tore into the heart with my teeth. The Dosh Khaleen kept chanting their words over and over until I finally finished the heart and everything stopped.

"A prince and Princess ride inside me and their names are Rhaego and Alaina."

I told the crowd holding my hands out. The crowd start chanting Drogo and I children names as he came to me and lifted me up above everyone else I the crowd marching me around the platform.

Placing me back down he gave me a bruising kiss. I answered kissing him back happily.

Rhaella TargeryenWhere stories live. Discover now