Daenerys Future Marriage

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Rhaella POV
I was standing outside my room on the balcony staring out over Illyrio gardens as the noon sun shined sparkles over the wild flowers that were currently in bloom during the warm summer.  As I gazed over the gardens I saw many servants coming into the gardens and surrounding hedges tending to them.

Thinking to myself the smell the scent of lemons and lavender flooded my nose. Taking a deep breath I knew that the servants were drawing Daenerys a bath. Feeling jealously towards my older sister  I looked at my black hunting bow to try to distract me from the heavenly scent.

Gripping firmly unto the bow I gazed at it carefully seeing the designs of Alpha wolves howling to the moon. Smiling at the gift Illyrio had secretly given to me for my thirteenth name day. I grabbed a cloth cleaning the dark weapon.

Thinking of my siblings they always hated me. Because on the day I was born our mother died from lack of blood during childbirth. When it came to my siblings and I it was best that I stayed out of their way as much as possible.  Beside my siblings hating me so much I did look incredibly different from them. Instead of having the royal white hair and Targeryen purple eyes I had dark sliver hair and light gold eyes. Many people actually wondered if I came from the same bloodline. I wondered that myself but Viserys said I was. I just wasn't a dragon.

When Viserys told me that he was handing Daenerys off to be married to the Dothraki Khal Drogo. Viserys told me he would use me to keep the Targeryen line pure.I shuddered at the thought of soon being my brother wife.

When I put my bow in its hiding spot Viserys barged into my room. "Rhaella," Viserys  announced to me  sickly sweet coming with what seemed to be a blue dress in his hands. "Viserys" I said polietely not wanting to anger him.

"Well today is the day." Viserys told me excitedly. "Yes, it is." I answered nervous in his presence.

"I have a gift for you."

Looking at the dress in his hands I studied it seeing it was a royal blue color that had a  spilt stopping at my left thigh  that I knew I had some gray riding pants that will go with it. "Thank you its beautiful." 

Touching the fabric I noticed how soft it was as I ran my fingers through it.

"It was mostly from Illyrio but it will do all the same. Now this all about Daenerys and me getting my crown. Do not mess this up for me." 

Viserys told me anger laced in his voice. I said nothing but rubbed a scar on my hand that was left there from Viserys cruelty.

He soon left and I drew myself a bath getting ready for Daenerys to meet Khal Drogo. When I first learned of Daenerys betrothed to Drogo I decided to learn the history and language of the Dothraki. I had now became very  fluent in the language.

After my bath I got dressed into my dress and riding pants and did my long sliver hair into two small braids on either side of my head the rest of my hair flowing down my back. Putting on my gray boots I grabbed my bow securing it to my back before making sure my arrows were around my waist.

I met my siblings and Illyrio and the entrance to his home Daenerys was  graced in a light purple dress and Viserys was in a dark green tunic with brown leather pants. Staying behind them we waited for Khal Drogo to come. I knew if he approved of Daenerys he would say nothing then walk away but if he didn't we were going to hear about it.

When I heard the pounding of hooves I looked seeing Khal Drogo atop a red Stallion his Bloodriders I assumed behind him.

Drogo was tall about six foot three, his long  black hair falling down to his waist in a braid. Trying to figure out his eye color I saw his eye lids were covered with kohl seeming to make him look more fierce. Looking at Drogo chest I saw many scars and his blue striped ink that laid over his biceps and curved over his shoulder blades.

When Drogo saw me his brown eyes met my gold ones. Realizing that we were staring at each other he probably thought I was Daenerys.

"Great Khal Drogo welcome to my home. Meet my honored guests, Viserys Targeryen and his two sisters Daenerys and Rhaella Targeryen."

Illyrio told Khal Drogo as he sat tall on his red Stallion. I could tell Viserys was just terrified by the Khal size but he hid it well by grabbing Daenerys wrist.

"Do you see his hair? When defeated in battle the Dothraki cut off their braid  for everyone to see their shame. Khal Drogo hair has never been cut."

Viserys explained to Daenerys letting go of  her freshly bruised wrist.

"Come my dear."

Illyrio said to Daenerys. I began to follow behind them but Viserys stopped me.

"You will stay here and be quiet."

Viserys  threatened me grabbing onto my forearm. I nodded and watched Viserys and Daenerys step closer to Khal Drogo. I followed anyway but I was a good ten paces behind them.

Standing behind Daenerys, Drogo looked at her for a moment frowning that I didn't step forward.

As Daenerys stood there waiting for Drogo approval Drogo eyes stayed on me. Not wanting to anger Viserys I kept my eyes down from him covering up my bruised forearm.

Drogo eyes stayed on me as I slightly raised my head to him.

"I want the golden eyed girl."

Drogo told Illyrio and me. Illyrio and I nodded accepting the terms. Viserys out of the loop became angry. "Well do he like her?" He asked wondering about Daenerys.

"No, he would rather have Rhaella than Daenerys." Illyrio explained to Viserys.

"Tell Khal Drogo that my sister would be a much better choice." Viserys said to Illyrio.

Even though Drogo knew  no common tongue he still saw that  Viserys comment hurt my feelings. As Illyrio translated Viserys words Drogo continue to stare at me.

When Illyrio was done explaining Viserys translations Drogo looked at Viserys. "No wife no army." He told him in broken common tongue. Knowing  Viserys was not going to win this battle against the Khal he nodded.

"Fine he can have her."

Viserys hissed walking away dragging Daenerys with him. When Viserys and Daenerys were gone he nodded to me and left.

Rhaella TargeryenWhere stories live. Discover now