I Attack Viserys

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Rhaella POV
Waking up I felt sore from the ride yesterday but I was ready for the day nonetheless. As I began to stretch my aching muscles I saw Drogo come in. While I was still stretching Drogo kissed me full on the lips.

Stopping my movements I enjoyed the kiss wanting more. Drogo parted though  and sat at my feet wanting me to braid his hair. Doing as he wanted I grabbed his hair and separated it into three parts to braid.

"Moon of My Life, we are going to be making the long journey to Vaes Dothrak starting today."

Drogo explained turning to me. I nodded smiling at his nickname for me. Giving him a kiss on the cheek Drogo smiled. When his braid was done I gave it a small tug.

"I will see you later."

I whispered softly as our lips met. Drogo simply nodded rubbing his nose on mine before leaving. When Drogo left the tent Irri helped me get ready for the day.

After I was dressed we left to go get my horse. While we walked to find my mare I looked for my siblings wondering what they would be doing right now.

As I was looking for Viserys and Daenerys Rakharo brought my horse to me. Nodding my head in thanks I got on deciding that I would find them later.

When the Khalassar was ready I led my horse into a trot and  fell behind Drogo and his Bloodriders.  We were finally on the path for Vaes Dothrak when I saw my siblings were riding with Ser Jorah.

They looked like they were complaining. As they always do when they don't get their way.

It was later in the day when Drogo called for the Khalassar to stop for a break. Getting off my horse I occupied myself with my saddle and bag beside making sure everything was tight and secure.

Irri soon handed me a water skin and I drank from it gratefully when I heard Viserys loud complaining reach my ears. Clenching my fists I grabbed the reins  of my horse and handed them to Irri.

"Watch my horse."

I commanded walking back to Viserys. Drogo eyes following me. Coming up to Viserys I looked at him calmly as he began ranting to Daenerys.

"We are going the wrong way. Drogo is going the wrong way with my army."

"Dear brother," I stopped him as he was about to speak again. "Is there anything I can do?" I finished innocently fooling him like I care.

"Well your Khal is leading my army the wrong way. I gave him a wife now he needs to give me my crown."

Viserys argued as I nodded listening. "Your right, dear brother I really hate  that my husband leading our people to Vaes Dothrak had become an inconvenience to you."

I paused looking for my words as I clenched my fist. Then deciding quickly I punched him hard in the nose. Everybody around us gasping in shock.

"But I just don't care what you want."

I finished as I saw Viserys laying on the ground knocked out, his nose bleeding .

"Rhaella, what is wrong with you!" Daenerys gasped kneeling down by our knocked out brother.

"You should be thanking me I got him to shut up."

I told Daenerys not looking for an answer.


I shouted my eyes still on my worthless excuse of a brother.

"Yes, Khalessi."

Rakharo voice sounded out of breath.

"Take his horse and put him in a cart. Will make him walk when he awakes."

Leaving at that I went back to my horse trying not to shake away the pain in my hand.  Irri helped me onto my horse and Drogo said that the break was over.

Following behind Drogo I relaxed a little knowing my brother was taken care of. 

When we made Camp that night I finally relaxed. Taking off my clothes of the day I soaked in my warm bath until I basically became a prune before I got out.

Getting dressed Irri came in with a large sliver and black pelt. It looking a lot like wolf fur.

"Khaleesi, the Khal would like you to join him by the fire for dinner."

Irri told me her head down as she held the fur pelt delicately in her hands.

"Yes. My pelt."

I said acknowledging the fur in her hands. Walking over to me Irri smiled and wrapped the fur around me before leading the way to the warm fires outside.

Looking for Drogo I stood there for a moment. Feeling Daenerys eyes on me in a hard glare Viserys currently babying his sore feet from the long walking he did after he woke up from me punching him.

Finding Drogo drinking with his Bloodriders Drogo eyes met mine in a warm gaze. Walking to him he held out his hand to me and I sat inbetween his legs.

Warm and content I saw what seem to be a wild hog roasting on a spit. Drogo and his Bloodriders prize  from their evening hunt.

When dinner was ready Irri and Jhiqui gave me water and some berries before giving me a large slab of hog meat. Everyone was a buzz as we ate. Talking about Vaes Dothrak and how they were excited to go back to the sacred city. I was excited too as well to go home and be with my people.

Staring at the fire I saw Viserys and Daenerys staring at me viscously. Becoming scared of their eyes I turned more into Drogo welcoming his embrace, my eyes growing heavy from exhaustion. Before I knew it my world turned black.

Rhaella TargeryenWhere stories live. Discover now