Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

"Wow. How long will you be gone?"

Sphinx's eyes were wide and...worried. Yes, they were full of anxiety. She was scared for me?

"Just the weekend," I glanced over at James and he nodded his confirmation. He and Ben were both leaning against the kitchen island as Sphinx and I talked at the table. I leaned forward and grabbed both her hands in mine. "Sphinx, it's really not a big deal."

She shook her head as if she couldn't believe what I was saying and then, after a long moment, flashed me a sad smile. "You've always been braver than me."

I felt my brow furrow. I couldn't figure out why she was so worried. "I'm just gonna be gone for the weekend. Like a mini vacation," I shrugged.

This time she scoffed and rolled her eyes. She turned her gaze to my mate and his beta, "Could we have a moment?"

Ben glanced nervously at James, waiting for approval, but James' eyes were on mine—waiting. I smiled reassuringly. There was no harm in me being alone with my sister. In fact, I'm quite accustomed to it. James gave Ben his confirmation and they made their way to the front door.

James stopped on his way and leaned down to press his lips gently against my forehead. "We're gonna go grab breakfast. You'll be ready to go tonight?"

I nodded and stretched up to press my lips to his. He growled at the back of his throat and I felt the vibration against my lips causing me to pull away and giggle. "Have a good day," I squeezed his hand and then released it and turned my attention back to Sphinx.

"Bye guys," Sphinx waved at them as they headed out the door and then we both giggled when we heard Ben say something about "pussy whipped" followed by James' growl. "He is very...smitten with you," Sphinx flashed me a knowing look.

"Well, he is my mate. We were made for each other, right?" I shrugged. "Don't change the subject though. What's up?"

"I know you don't think it's a big deal," she trailed off.

I sighed and took her hands in mine again and let my gaze fall to the table. "I'm scared," I whisper to her so soft she might not even hear. After a beat I look up to meet her confused eyes. "If I'm being honest. It's scary. I thought I'd have kids with Todd and stay in this town for the rest of my life." My head cocked to the side as I said this. Now, the idea seemed too mundane. "But now I'm following James, my mate, to his pack. I've never been around another pack. Ever. It'd be scary no matter what, but what's worse is that they're expecting him to come back with my head on a stick. They murder and steal and James—he's been their leader. He's done things I don't care to think of. But he's my mate. And he swears I'm changing him—that I already have." I take a deep breath and look Sphinx in the eye. "I have to tell you something."

If she had looked worried before, she was worse for wear now. "Anything."

"James' parents were killed when he was nineteen," I started and smiled wistfully at her when she gasped. "He was forced to become alpha without taking a mate first. I guess, usually, the heir must mate before becoming Alpha, but since his parents died he had to take the title anyway. Suddenly, he was the Alpha of one of the largest, meanest packs in the world."

Sphinx was shaking her head absentmindedly. "That must have been awful. Can you imagine if that had been you when Mom and Dad died?"

The thought hadn't occurred to me. I could definitely have been in the same position as James if I had belonged to an actual pack. An involuntary shiver went up my spine. "There's something else."

"What is it?" Sphinx asked.

I took a deep breath. "His parents were murdered by ours," I spoke evenly, "and Mom and Dad were murdered by his."

There was a split second of silence. Nothing moved, time seemed to stop. Then Sphinx was out of her chair and pacing the kitchen before I could blink.

"What?" she exclaimed and turned her wild eyes towards me.

"I know it's a lot to process. I'm still trying to process it." I didn't know what else to say. What else could I say?

"A lot to process?" she gave me a bewildered look. "Wow. 'A lot to process.' Yeah. I guess finding out that your sister's boyfriend's parents killed yours is 'a lot to process.' Oh, and then not to mention that your idiot sister plans on staying with him and his pack of murders for the whole weekend!" Sphinx slammed her tiny palms against the kitchen counter and growled.

Shit! "James is my mate, Sphinx. Not my boyfriend." For some reason my wolf and I were desperate to defend James. It was different. How could I not give him a chance? He was my destined mate. We were meant for each other. Did that not earn him the benefit of the doubt?

For just a second her eyes softened but it was fleeting and she pursed her lips. "Of course he's not your boyfriend. I forgot, you're still stringing Todd along. Did you plan on packing him up for your little vacation, too?"


"Honestly, Bella, I can't believe you!" She threw her hands up in the air. "What the fuck are you thinking? Are you even thinking?"

"Sphinx, do you think I'm fucking thrilled that my mate's pack is the one that killed our parents?" I stood for my chair and moved to stand opposite of her in the kitchen. "News flash—it fucking sucks. Do you think I love that my mate actually came here with plans to kill me and everyone I care about? You think that the thought of something ever happening to you doesn't make me sick?!"


"Shut up." I help up my hand and signaled for her to stay quiet. "I can't help it. I tried to not like him. It didn't work. He's my mate," my gaze dropped to the floor and my voice became softer. "He's the son of the two people that killed our parents. He's killed people himself. Other rouges. Rouges that could have been just like you and me. It's horrifying. But he's mate and I can't fight that."

Sphinx's jaw was set but she reached out and took my hand. "I'm sorry."

I nodded and wiped away the tears that had somehow found their way on my face. "Me too," I shrugged.

"Do you think he's right?" she asked.


"Do you think you've really made him change?"

"I don't know. He's never been anything other than gentle to me. Ben said he's never seen him like this. I don't think he'd ever hurt me or let anyone else hurt me for that matter," I explained.

"Good," she nodded then offered me a smile. "So you feel safe with him?"

"Yes. It's his pack I'm not too sure about."

"Are you sure it's a good idea for you to go?" she asked.

"A good idea? Probably not," I rolled my shoulders back and let my head fall back. "But, I don't think James would ever let me get hurt." I took a deep, head-clearing breath. "I trust him."

Sphinx squeezed my hand. "And I trust you."

I smiled and then slapped her playfully across the shoulder. "So, do you think you'll be able to cover for me?"

"Yeah. Although I don't know how much people will believe it. Why would you take a trip out of nowhere?"

We had decided that it'd be best to tell people I was taking a weekend away to clear my head per the whole "you could be Alpha" situation Todd's parents had put on me. Other people, not in on the wolf business, would just think I needed a de-stresser. Sphinx was right—not all that believable, but with all my immediate family either dead or unknown it wasn't like I had many plausible reasons for leaving for the weekend. I certainly didn't wanna mention to Todd that James had anything to do with it.

I was nervous about meeting James' pack. There was a lot of unknowns that I'd have to conquer this weekend. James had insisted on leaving tonight, even though it's only Thursday, because he's been gone so long. Considering I've been what's keeping him here, I conceded. So, tonight I'd be on my way to the city where his pack resides and hoping that they don't hate me or, worse, want me dead. Eh, just a little vacation. What could possibly go wrong? 

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