Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I definitely liked this little area. It was nice and calming-no one in sight. It was about two in the morning now and I had taken down a few rabbits and a deer. I never ate my prey-too gross-but I loved the hunt on a full moon. I laid down in the clearing I had originally shifted in and laid my head in my paws, closing my eyes. I started to drift when all of a sudden something jumped on my back. Wolf hunters! Wait, no. It was another wolf. A big wolf. And I was a pretty damn large she-wolf myself. I growled and rolled my weight over to try to take the top position. The big wolf just kept rolling and eventually came out on top again, but this time pinning me on my back. Shit. This thing was massive. I was about to take a big bite out of his jugular, but then the large male wolf-who I was assuming to be a rogue-opened his eyes. Gold. Beautiful gold. I instantly relaxed and tensed at once. My wolf was in an uproar. Mate. I whimpered underneath him and vaguely saw his all black wolf. He looked powerful and huge, it was instantly evident that this wolf who was my supposed mate was not a rogue. He was an alpha, or at least a beta. But he was no damn rogue. And, damn, as far as wolves go...he was fucking gorgeous. One thing that went through my mind was Todd. I had just found my mate. He was not a medium sized gray wolf with a black tail. He was the biggest wolf I had ever seen and he was all black. Oh, and his eyes. They made me want to run away and at the same time purr like a cat. I whimpered once more and saw the playful look in my mates eyes flee and become replaced by a look of concern. I pressed my muzzle into his chest and pushed, hoping he’d understand to get off. 

“Sorry, Angel.”

I looked straight at him as he rolled off and I whimpered again. I recognized that voice and his scent vaguely. “Who are you?” I asked. 

He grinned wolfishly. “Don’t you know?”

I shook my head and licked my muzzle. 

His eyes blazed for a second then he took a step closer to me and licked my muzzle as well. Ew. Slobber. “You’re wolf is beautiful, Angel.”

“So is yours,” I said distractedly and he chortled. 

“Little ole’ me?” 

This time I laughed. “You’re anything but little.”

“Oh, Baby. You have no idea,” he growled. 

I raised my head from his mane and looked into his lustful eyes. I gasped as much as a wolf could. I swear-I swear-that Todd flashed through my mind for a split second but then all I could think about was those gold eyes and I wondered exactly how big he was. I jumped into action and tackled him to the ground. “Mate,” I growled. I licked and nipped my way down his muzzle and his thick neck. God, he was handsome. He growled and pushed me off with no effort. I was distraught until I felt him mount me. 

For the first time in my eighteen years I was making love as a wolf. For the first time in my eighteen years, I was making love. 


I woke up in the morning and stretched. Sometime during the sunrise I had shifted back to human form in my sleep. I couldn’t exactly remember what I did last night, but shit I was sore. Ah well, I’m sure it’d come back to me. I glanced around the clearing and smiled until I caught a glimpse of black in the corner of my eye. Holy fuck. I turned and gasped at who it was. The strange boy I that I had met by my parents tree. I screamed and attempted to cover my chest. His grin faltered for a second before returning. “Hey, Luna.”

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