Chapter One

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Chapter One

“I love being with you like this,” Todd whispered in my ear. 

“Oh? And how’s that?” I teased. It was nothing like how I used to tease him when we were kids. That was good, whole-hearted, and innocent. Now it was dirty and flirty. I can’t say I don’t prefer the latter, however the former does deserve a bit of appreciation. 

“I like to have sex with you then lay with you naked in the middle of nowhere,” he growled in my ear and pulled me further between his legs. 

I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Ever the gentleman, Todd.” 

“Belly,” I cringed at my nickname, “I’ve known you since we were three. I think I have a right to be blatantly honest with you.”

“What about the romance?” I asked. Romance was, after all, the root of an everlasting relationship. 

He sighed and turned me over so he could look into my eyes. My bare breasts were now firmly pressed against his chest. “You’re beautiful Isabella. You always have been. I’ve never thought that you would grow up to be so insecure.”

“Why not? I am a girl, aren’t I?” I raised a finely plucked brow at him. “We’re all a little emotionally unstable.”

He chuckled then grasped my chin firmly in his hand. “You’re a woman. A very beguiling woman. One with eyes of the brightest melting copper; copper so hot that it’s flecked with blue to cool it down. Your eyelashes hit your brow, full and luscious, on a bad day. Your lips are like the plumpest, reddest roses. Your cheekbones have enough stability in structure to hold up the Golden Gate Bridge. Your nose-” 

“Okay!” I let out a long breath. “I get it; I get it. I’m beautiful. More than you deserve.”

“Exactly.” For awhile none of us said a word. We just laid there in the comfort of each other’s arms. “I love you, Belly.”

I raised my eyes to Todd’s dark, chocolate brown ones and ran my fingers through his silky, platinum hair. “I love you, too.”

He smiled, “We’re mates, right? Forever? Even if I haven’t marked you?” 

I groaned inwardly. “Yeah, we’re mates,” I agreed. Maybe we were; it made sense. But when I looked at him all I felt was adoration and maybe-maybe-a hint of absolute certainty. Truth was, I haven’t let him mark me. I don’t plan on it until I feel that sense of belonging. Of course, I’ve accepted that I never will. I love Todd. I know that. And he gives me everything I want, but.... But I always have that “But!” And, if he really, deep down felt that we we’re mates, he would’ve marked me by now-against my will. There is also that part of me that wonders; maybe when he marks me I’ll experience that feeling. But I can’t take the chance. Once you’re marked, you’re marked. That’s it. So I shouldn’t let him mark me if I’m not sure. Then again, I can’t picture a future with anyone else. I want have kids with him and get married and live happily ever after in our odd little clan of rogues.  

“It’s eleven thirty,” Todd said, breaking the silence. 

“What? Shit!” I yelped and jumped off from the ground. 

“Relax, I can get you home to Sphinx in time,” Todd assured me. “It’s not like she’d necessarily care if you were late.” Todd got up and brushed off his naked body. 

“Perhaps not. However, you know very damn well that I am all she has since Mom and Dad died three years ago in that pack fight. I have to be stable for her. A constant. No matter how strong she acts.”

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