Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven 

James’ POV

I still can’t believe she left Sunday morning. And she acted like she was not happy about the night before. She apologized! Yet she knew she was my mate. It made no sense to me. I had given her Sunday to think...cause hell I needed it, too, but today I had shown up at her house around three fifty in the afternoon and waited for her to get home from school. I hadn’t realized she was still in high school, though she was a senior, she looked as old as me. Hm...I wonder if she’s seventeen and what we did was all kinds of illegal. That’s hot. When I heard an engine cut off in the driveway my ears perked up. I was sitting on her couch thinking about her and what I’d say and worrying about what she’d say. I decided I’d lay low for a minute and try to figure the best way to approach the situation. I laid back on her couch and scratched my neck. When my hand brushed the place where she had marked me I whimpered like a little bitch. God, I couldn’t stand to not be around her. Being in her house helped, though. Her scent along with another encompassed the home. She didn’t live alone. All thoughts of that banished when I heard her rather aggressively bust through the door moaning. Not just dreadful I-had-a-long-day moaning, but oh-that-feels-so-good moaning. I sat to attention once more and growled at what I saw. She was pressed up against a wall with some blond gorilla sucking on her neck while she helplessly squirmed beneath him. Who the hell was this cock-sucking tool? And why was she letting him sex her up? I watched as more and more anger swelled in me. Oh, this was not okay! My alpha was coming out and I was going to squish that motherfucker like a bug for touching my mate. I growled once more and stood. The oblivious fucker in question didn’t notice, but Isabella’s copper eyes met mine and she growled back. What? What was she on? 

She pushed the blond boy away. “Todd, Baby, why don’t you go draw a bath?” 

Her words were spoken with love and affection towards this Todd and it left me feeling incredibly hurt. The boy complied quickly, of course, only thinking with his dick and not spotting me. If I was him I would have picked her up and showered her with kisses while I carried her to the tub. I would make her feel more loved than anyone ever could. When Isabella and I were alone she turned to me. 

“What the hell are you doing in my house?” she whisper-yelled. 

“I wanted to talk about the way you acted Sunday morning,” I told her. 

Her eyes glimmered with guilt and regret for a second before she put up another steely resolve. “Yeah, well, I wanna talk about Saturday night. It shouldn’t have happened. And won’t ever again. I don’t want to see you. I’m sorry, but I won’t hurt Todd like that. And my sister...I need to be here for her and it’s best if I stay with Todd for that. Look, just leave me alone, okay?”

“Leave you alone?” I hissed, flabbergasted by what she just told me. 


She said it like it was the simplest thing in the world. Of course. Leave her. I wanted to yell and scream, but instead I just smirked. She wasn’t truly rejecting me or else I would know right away. She was just very confused. I didn’t like the idea, but if she wanted to stay with this Todd guy, I would go ahead and let her try. Doesn’t mean I won’t stand in the way. I took a step closer and her breath hitched causing me to become elated. “You know what, Angel? Go ahead and keep him, but you’re not getting rid of me. And when you finally realize that I’m all you’ll ever need I’m going to beat that Todd to a pulp for ever touching you. Until then, think of me while he fucks you. Because with him that is all it will ever be.” I kissed her forehead, above her shocked eyes and turned on my heel to leave. “Bye, Luna. I’ll be seeing you.”

She whimpered in need and I smiled. The game had just begun, but I knew a victory when I had one. 

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